Alieflollata Rare MYO's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

Alieflollatas Global Rules
You got an MYO, now what?
  • Check the rarity of your MYO!
    • The rarity of your MYO effects what traits you can use!
    • If you have a Common MYO for example, you can only use common traits!
    • If you have an Uncommon MYO, you can use both common and uncommon traits!
  • Draw your OC!
    • Draw them on a base, draw them freehand, it's up to you! Really!
    • Don't feel like drawing them? Commission someone! The price will be appended to your MYO's worth as long as you track it. Please track this yourself!
You're done with the designing process! Where do you get it approved again?
  • To approve your design, you'll have to join our Discord server or privately DM honee_pie__ !
  • This process is rather simple, just fill out the form in our server! If you're DMing honee, here's the form!
    • MYO Link:
    • Traits Used:
    • Designer:
    • Worth:
  • Once your design is approved, you can edit your MYO on to make it your OC!
I want to redesign my OC, what do I do?
  • Simple! Gather your list of traits... and redesign your OC based off of those traits! You cannot remove any traits.
    • If you bought new traits from our shop in the Discord server, add them to your list and add those traits accordingly!
  • Resend your OC for approval in the Discord server and you're good to go once it's been re-approved!
I bought some new traits from the shop... what do I do with them?
  • Don't worry, this is simple! You can use the trait for an OC you're making or one you've already designed!
  • As long as you include this trait in your trait list and use the item once your OC has been made, you're good to go!
I want to give someone else my OC!
  • You don't have to do anything special for trading your OC! Just trade them away!
  • Please do not sell your OC unless they have commissioned art to make them worth real money.
    • Trading for art or characters is okay if they have no monetary worth, virtual currency is also okay!
I want to void my OC so that they aren't part of the species anymore!
  • Oh no! We're sad to see you go, but we understand.
  • If you don't know, voiding is the act of removing an OC from a species group.
    • If you do this, your OC will be removed from the Alieflollata world!
  • You can fill out the form on our Discord server, or privately DM honee_pie__ !
  • Here is the voiding form for if you are DMing honee!
    • MYO Link:
    • Confirm: