


7 months, 12 days ago



Leader Figstar
Deputy Tawnystep
Medicine Cat/s Owlwing,
Tree Gliders Batcrest, Crowmaw
Floor Runners Raspberrythorn,
Apprentices info
Queens info
Kits info
Elders info
Honarary Clan Members Ellis//Silentswoop

The cunning and elusive, RainforestClan cats stick to their own and rarely involve themselves with other clans. They have a strong sense of communtiy within their clan, resulting in the whole group behaving like one massive family. Camp duties are shared equally, and every cat pulls their weight to help the clan.

Each cat holds a deep sense of loyalty and devotion to their clanmates resulting in a tough outer resolve that makes it hard for non-clan members to interact with the clan. The clan's privacy is an important matter to the members, as they strive to protect one another, keeping a lot of the details and news from the other four clans.

The cats of RainforestClan are often leethe and strong, bodies well adept to climbing huge heights and pulling their weight (and often additional weight from prey) up large trees. The cats will often have builds similar to leopards and mountain lions, pure muscle bundled under coats that vary from light caramels and whites, to dark chocolates and blacks. Their pelts blend in perfectly to their dark, shady environment. Due to the cooler temperatures in the rainforest, the cats tend to have thicker, lonnger coats that are surprisingly water resistant to aid them in their damp territory.


The cats of RainforestClan value loyalty and hard work for the clan above all else. Each member has a role to play in provding for and aiding the clan, and everyone pulls thier weight. There is a deep sense of family and belonging within each member, and the cats interact with each other like a large family.

Everyone is expected to help with everything, often resulting in communal nurseries where multiple cats will care for all of the kits, not only their own. This applies as well to training, where there is a more communal approach and apprentices are trained by multiple mentors, not just a single cat. This results in the cats being well rounded in most activities, like hunting and fighting, and gaining a multitude of differnet expiriences and outlooks on the clan and on life.

Privacy is valued highly in the clan, stemming from a deep sense of protection a cat feels for their clanmates. There are hardly any non-RainforestClan cats know what their territory looks like, let alone their camp. There is a communal distrust of outsiders among the clan, and they are very guarded about any information involving their clan members or territory. While they do still attend the gatherings, and there are members that are more willing to socialise than others, they are usually the first to arrive and the first to leave. If an outsider proves themself trust worthy to the clan however, they are welcomed with open arms.

While the clan are quite religous, their beliefs are met with reverance and respect, while remaining quite casual. They carry out their traditions and their rituals with a casuallness that makes them exciting and elicites pride from the cats who complete them, instead if making them an uncomfortably formal and anxiety enduceing expirience. They believe in their ancestors and will often pay respects to them, believing they hold great wisdom and knowledge the cats can benefit greatly from.

Camp and Territory

The RainforestClan territory is made up of the huge rainforest that borders MangroveClan and GroveClan. The rainforest is made up of gigantic trees, twisting streams, refreshing waterholes and a variety of interesting prey and predators. RainforestClan cats are not afraid to get wet, residing in the wetlands, and prefer the cooler, damper climate their territory provides. The territory is massive, spanning hundreds of acres, the corners of which the clan cats rarely venture to. The cats reside mostly in the giant trees of the anciet ecosystem, towering havens the cats feel more than at home in.

The clan's camp is located in what is considered the largest tree in the rainforest, which is actually a clump of large trees all twisted and merged together through thousands of years of growth. Its compiled many ecalyptus and giant cedar trees, ancient things with twisting limbs and a sturdy fused trunk. Buttress roots span out from the base of the trunks, creating caverns and openings the cats can climb through, to the centre of the trunk where the many trees twist and combine to create a natural, spiral staircase up into the branches of the trees. The camp centre is the large platform where the trunks fuse back together, creating a large 'ckearing' like area where all of the thick branches fan out from.

All of the dens for the camp are inside twisting branches that form sturdy, sizeable cavers. Cats have long ago reinforced and built walls along the edges of the treetop clearing, esureing the safety of kits and older cats, as well as the abled-bodied cats, so that no one can fall out of the tree unless they are deliberately trying to climbe over them. Moss, ferns, fur, feathers and dried grasses are collected to make nests for the cats, providing comfortable sleeping areas for the clan. These carverns made of twisting branches are surprisingly water resisten and provide dry shelter for the cats when it rains or storms. The first right of passage for young cats to start thier trainging outside of camp is to be able to decend and ascend the camp tree competently, as they need to be able to either get down or up in case of emergencies.

Relations with other Clans


  • Climbing
  • Silent When Moving (in trees or on floor)
  • Strong Muscles from Climbing
  • Very Intellegent
  • Strong Bond Between All Clanmates

  • Very Isolated
  • Very Closed Off From Other Clans
  • Not Good Fighters/Hunters In Open Areas
  • Most Are Sensitive To Light Due To Living In a Very Dark Territory
  • Most Have Long Fur, Can Overheat Quite Quickly In Other Territories
Liked Prey

Mamal Tree Kangaroos
Mamal Possums
Mamal Sugar Gliders
Birds Assorted Birds
Amphibians Assorted Frogs

  • Cassowaries
  • Dingoes
  • Large Pythons
  • Crocodiles (On border of territory)


She is well respected as an intimidating, feirce and loyal figure both in and outside her clan, though to her clanmates she takes on a more motherly figure, wanting what is best for her clan and doing whatever she can to help them achieve it.

Tree Glider Deputy

A loyal young cat who is increadibly friendly once you have earnt his trust. Most of the clan view him as a sort of older brother figure. Kits and apprentices especially adore him. He is always willing to step in and help with extra duties.

Floor Runner Deputy

write a little about the character relationship here!

Medicine Cat

An ancient, grumpy crone that doesn't have time to fuss around. On the surface she is all business and tough love, but if you get close enough to her there is a gentler, soft centre. Ahe has a special love for kit, never having had her own, and takes on her self preclaimed role as the clans grumpy grandma.

Medicine Cat

write a little about the character relationship here!

Medicine Cat Apprentice

write a little about the character relationship here!

Tree Glider

A confident, sometimes cocky she-cat. She is an excellent climber and priders herself on being able to jump the highest out of any cat in the clan. She is very curious, and easily intruiged. Because of this tends to be a lot more open and receptive to outsiders than her clanmates are.

Floor Runner

A shy, softspoken she-cat that tends to shy away from the spotlight. She is an excellent hunter and extremely kind to her clanmates, though typically sticks to herself or her two best friends more often than not.

Tree Glider

A sweet, friendly, and silly she-cat, who's always happy to do what she can for the clan. She's slightly odd, and some cats consider her a little weird, but its just one of her lovable features that makes her her. She can often be found watching the many birds in the rainforest, befriending them and offering them her scraps of freshkill. She is kind to every creature she meets, cats and other animals alike, and holds a deep sense of empathy for others.

ref sheet


design notes

  • write any design notes you may have here
  • you can have as many as you need, the text box will scroll
  • describe things like scars, important accessories, etc
  • or maybe their eyes glow when they're mad
  • y'know, stuff.
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