
7 months, 18 days ago


carson collier
Basic Info
NameCarson Collier


BirthdayDecember 4

Age15 -> 16 ->17



Hair ColorWhite

Eye ColorWhite

Blood TypeA


OccupationShiketsu student

AffiliationClass 1A


Fighting StyleRanged

  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Making Friends
  • Half Chocolate half Vanilla Milkshake
  • Amusement Parks
  • Headphones
  • People being mean to be cool
  • Weird stares
  • Being stuck inside
  • People hitting on him








  • Carson was adopted when his biological parents gave him up due to his appearance. 
  • He isn't exactly insecure about his appearance, but he doesn't like when people stare
  • Despite liking dancing, Carson isn't good at dancing. His singing voice is, however, decent.
  • He always has a lot of friends, even if he doesn't remember who everyone is
  • He's relatively easy to get along with
  • Carson hardly uses headphones (much to everyone's dismay) because he doesn't like how they fit in his ears
  • Similar personality to Dick Grayson and Kakashi Hatake






Quirk: push n' pull

Push n' Pull: Carson has a sort of Telekinesis quirk called Push n' pull. With this quirk, he's able to pull and push objects towards and away from him. However, he isn't able to use his quirk on living creatures. He must have a general idea for the weight limit. To use, he must keep his eyes on the target which makes it difficult to control more than a few objects at once. 

  • Push- He can push objects away from him.
  • Pull -He can pull objects towards him.
Super Moves
  • Dishevel- Carson uses his quirk on enemy clothing, pushing them away from him, combining with a sure fire hit against a capture tool.
  • Equipment - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
  • Equipment - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
"Hey there!"

Carson is the happy, go lucky guy. Everyone seems to like him. He has a warm, tender, and easy-going personality. He's always nice to everyone and will treat anyone like a friend. However, he isn't the sort of person to walk over. Nonetheless, he is quite charismatic and chivalrous. Most people note that he's nice and easy to get along with. Though it may seem fake, he generally is kind and never forgets a face and will remember forever if you were kind to him. Despite his appearance, he doesn't seem to hold much embarrassment about it and holds it in quite well with the attitude of "I don't care what your opinion is of me". Those close to him, however, know that deep down he does feel a certain way about himself but tries not to let it get to him or the person he wants to be. 

He is the eldest sibling and takes it very seriously. He's the reliable one, and always smiling but this can lead to him ignoring his own feelings and avoiding them. Leaving himself to shoulder the burden. He is a big family and appreciates his parents for taking him in and loving him. He does get annoyed when someone implies that they aren't a real family because they aren't related by blood. 

Carson is a handsome guy. He is noticeable green skin, almond shaped white eyes, and white hair, resembling that of an alien. Carson also has long pointed ears but it isn't helped for hearing any better than the average human. He is about average height. Like other Shiketsu students, in his school uniform, Carson wears the same white collared shirt and dark pants as all Shiketsu High students. He also sports Shiketsu's signature hat whether he be in uniform or in his hero costume. He has two piercings on each ear and wears a thin silver chain.

His casual clothing is an assortment of interesting metallic pieces, as well as neon green and purple.


The beginnings of Carson's life aren't the best. He was born to parents disgusted with his appearance. After a few days, he is abandoned and left at the hospital. The Nurse Practitioner on duty decided to take him in with intention of fostering him until he could find a suitable home due to her being due to have a baby within a few short weeks. She, however, falls in love with him and knows that he'll be her soon. She's able to convince her husband and they become a family of four. A few weeks after Carson's welcome into the home, his baby brother, Smokey is born. They're close from their first meeting as infants and grow together. When Carson is five, the Collier family gets another addition to their family when their fathers sister and husband are victim to a fatal villain attack, welcoming his youngest brother, Poogie. 

From a young age, Carson was influenced by pro-heroes on the television. He's had a deep desire to be a hero ever since he was young.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.