
5 years, 11 months ago



Felix is an oddity even for those in Q employment. The  largest reason is the fact he seems to be the only Twilight Glyphhawk  in the entire realm or that’s what Felix refers to him self as. Never  truly elaborating what exactly a Twilight Glyphhawk is or where they  come from. Simple that Q traveled a long distance to hunt down his old  mountain tribe and request the service of one of there members. Felix  taking on the responsibility as the chief tribes eldest son as a sign of  respect of Q and her quest to find balances between magic and  machinery.  

His Race has a few key traits that showed great interest to Q.  The Glyphhawks have insane intelligence and a natural ability to communicate with all species of monsters and creatures.  Both  of these highly valuable to Q both for her main potion business where  some side affect can make people hard to communicate with as well at the  Q tec snr to communicate with the many animals housed there.

the secondary ability of Glyphhawk to foresee and predict massive storms  and weather patterns is also very help ful when dealing with  emotionally stressed animals. The many magical storms that can suddenly  pop up and even help with search and rescue missions.  Felix often overs sees a small personal project to harness the power of lighting sticks to help create clean power.

 For the most part Felix is the second in command at all Q Tec  establishments seen as Q right hand man at quality and security upkeep.  Far more welcoming and even a bit nervous when other staff come to them  with problems. He’s free to admit he doesn’t know everything but will  always make sure he takes the time to find the information other need to  do their job. For the most part Felix stays in the Qtec SnR facility  much preferring the natural trees and creatures there as opposed to the  concrete jungle of  ZenChok.  Though he does travel to the main office to help deal with Anubis when he has one of his unwanted shifts to wearisum.

 good natured genuine and dependable Felix does his best to see to his  duties to not only Q but to those that look up to him to keep them safe  and those that look to him for leader ship. He may not have become the  chief of his old tripe but he is a chief of his own new tribe of  friends, workers and, Familly.  


It should  be noted this last mention of Family is strongly tied to the head  muscles of security Zy-exa as the two have had a very shared  relationship since her employment of the Q tec.