☢️Murder drones OCs☢️ (8-BALL)



2 months, 2 days ago


Name: 8-Ball (8)// He-Him// Worker drone // Age: 27?

-Retired magician that was made to entertain humans and boost morale when they were alive. Now he lives at the workshop.

-He does "magic" tricks!! And his visor can in fact, project an actual magic 8-ball, hence the name. Weather it gives helpful or good advice is debatable.

-A friendly and positive guy who wishes to bring joy to others with his magic, even when he tries to show his friends the same tricks they've already seen 1,000 times :)

-8-Ball is his stage name but he prefers to be referred to this way, he's never told anyone his real name so-


-No longer has his lower body after he was torn in half by sentinels... He managed to escape and miraculously survive when he was founded by Nurse.

-Nurse built him a temporary body, which basically doubles as his life support. Of course he misses the freedom of his old one but this one but doesn't seem to mind this one too much.

-Originally was with a group with other rogue drones and lived with them for years. Every one of them were eventually killed by sentinels.

-may or may not hear the voices of his dead friends and developed a guilty conscious because of it.