
5 years, 11 months ago


Wishbone (wish)

Wish is a very quiet and gentle child who cares deeply for her family and would do anything to make them happy.  For the most part she sleeps  in sage and dizz’s room being a close watcher of their heath and mystic best friend. (after sage of course) wish does her best to make sure the house is clean and orderly. You would not think she could do much as a feral but she has a very strong gift of telekinesis and can move things with her mind to help organize and straighten. She secretly as ocd about messes. Wish also has telepathy. She does not like to sue this gift often thinking it an invasion of other privacy but some time she just want to know what is bothering her family so she can help calm them that she can’t help but use it. Her eyes glow purple whenever she does however. Wish’s favorite thing to do while she works is sing. And sing she can. Able to change her voice to match any one or any things she has heard. She can even mimic a book hitting the floor perfectly. This has led to fun games with sage and the younger children. And very elaborate plays. Wish is most confident when she sings feeling free and sure of her abilities. But actual ask her to sing and she will be shy and quiet. Zer has been asking her for some time to work with him. Wish is a very good addition to the family and will be loved like she deserves to be loved. Let’s just hope she is ready for all the affection.