Simon Ganfrey



5 years, 11 months ago


Simon Ganfrey



Full name [including confirmation name]: Simon Macaulay Simon Ganfrey
Birthday: May 21st, 1964
Sexuality: heterosexual
Nationality: American
Religion: Catholic
City or town of birth: Kirkwood, Missouri
Languages spoken: English
Ethnicity: Irish-American

Height: 5'10”
Weight: 110 lbs
Build: very thin + willowy – years of hospital stays and being so often bedridden has left him looking quite frail. Has a confident, almost cocky posture and walks with a spring in his step. Was born extremely prematurely and inherited neonatal lupus from his mother, which only served to exacerbate his lung and heart problems.He's had a number of surgeries, and thus has manifold operation scars, including a prominent one down his sternum and one under his Adam's apple.
Hair color: ashy brown with greying temples
Hairstyle: though naturally quite thin and wispy, Simon frequently styles it to look more voluminous. Patches are often missing due to lupus flare-ups.
Eye color: light green
Scars/distinguishing marks: In addition to surgery scars, Simon has very prominent freckles and dark under-eye circles.


One of the best ways to describe Simon is a pure ball of chaotic energy. High-strung, reactive, cheerful, and a bit clingy: he likes to be the center of attention, and doesn’t even mind if nobody laughs at his jokes because he sure will. Though a bit socially awkward due to his illness-caused isolation from the outside world, Simon loves talking with and simply being around a variety of people, and becomes listless and depressed when deprived from social contact for extended periods of time. Has a penchant for hyperfixating on obscure subjects and hobbies, bouncing from one to another with almost manic intensity. Those around Simon tend to have trouble understanding him—not because he is especially secretive, but because of how hard he is to pin down. Still, when his mind is made up to go after something, he will not hesitate. An apparently happy-go-lucky nature conceals his intensely emotional, even melancholy core, just as his apparent casual flightiness hides deep-seated sense of loyalty. Though changeable in many ways, when he does settle upon person or a course of action, he stays settled. While incredibly book-smart and learned on a great number of subjects, Simon possesses almost no street-smarts or impulse control. Not particularly frugal with money, and tends to be very naïve when it comes to even the simplest aspects of self-sufficiency and independence—due to the fact that no-one really taught him how to be an adult, as they never expected him to live as long as he has.

Examples: uses hand-soap to wash dishes, burns nearly everything he attempts to cook, and blows up Tulsi’s microwave after putting tinfoil in it. While he’s a high-maintenance roommate, he’s a fun one, at the very least. Simon possesses a real warmth and amiability that allows him to charm his way into and out of many situations. Though often a bit vain and overconfident, this behavior masks a deep-seated insecurity about how his chronic illness has impacted his appearance. He tends to dress in flamboyant colors and loud prints to distract from his pallid skin, and does everything he can to hide the clumps of hair he sometimes loses from flare-ups of Lupus. Is very reluctant wear a swimming suit and take off his shirt due to his surgery scars and underweight physique, and wears foundation and concealer to cover up the tracheostomy scar under his Adam’s apple. Simon rarely lets others see this side of him, however, as he hates to be pitied: tends to cover up any negative emotions with joking and smiles. This, combined with his penchant for melodrama, creates a strange, unpredictable duality in his personality that renders him unpredictable and a bit volatile. With Simon, it’s either soaring highs or crippling lows, which he alternates between frequently, making it difficult for most people to handle prolonged doses of his company, despite his charismatic and well-meaning nature.


Zodiac: Gemini sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising


Born entertainers, ESFPs love the spotlight, but all the world’s a stage. Many famous people with the ESFP personality type are indeed actors, but they love putting on a show for their friends too, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, ESFPs enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. Though it may not always seem like it, ESFPs know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions.

Enneagram Type 7: The Enthusiast

Associated Animal: hummingbird, butterfly, ferret

Birthstone: Emerald. Carries the rich green color of Spring and radiates a beautiful vivid tone. They are considered to be a symbol of rebirth and love.

Birth Tree (celtic): Hawthorn - the illusionist. The Hawthorn from the Celtic tree astrology isn’t all that it appears to be. Their exterior world can be completely different from the inner landscape and they can show a new side to you each day. If you hang out with Hawthorn signs too often, you’ll see that they put the term “never judge a book by its cover” to the test. They have this never-dying creative flame, always full of energy and curiosity. This sign from the Celtic horoscope can adapt to any situation and can be both a good listener and give inspiring speeches.

Motifs: paper planes, potted plants, origami, piles of books, old letters, Peter Pan + neverland, clouds, rain, tree branches, leaves, feathers, heart + lungs


Long-term hospital inpatient / part-time employee at video store.

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