


7 months, 12 days ago


Name Periwinkletuft
Brazillian Name Tufo de Pervinca
Gender Female
Age 25' moons
Orientation Pansexual
Personality ENFP-T
Role Junior
Current clan Lilyclan
If other cats could just stop for a moment and appreciate all the beautiful things this world has to offer, maybe there wouldn't be so much anguish and hatred.

Periwinkletuft lives on the underground tunnels located on the meadows, safely hidden from the war that haunts genarations and genarations of cats out there. She and her family live peacefully, away from the cold, the heat, and the bloodshed.

But this stubborn she-cat doesn't know any of that. In her mind, the world she lives in is full of darkness with a repetitive, boring routine. A whole world is just above their underground home, waiting to be explored! Periwinkletuft doesn't believe in anything they say about how dangerous it is. She can't stand to stay stuck in a hole when she could just run free out there.

  • Exploring.
  • Hunting treasures.
  • Running through the meadows.
  • Her family
  • Making new friends.
  • Being ignored.
  • Being treated like a kit.
  • The underground tunnels.
  • Fights.

Origin and Disability

Periwinkletuft was born to Spiritlight and Eternalvoice, becoming Howlitegust's younger sister. Her mother died only a few days after giving birth to Periwinkletuft due to Greencough, leaving her under the care of her father and brother. Periwinkle grew attached to her family, especially her older brother. They were really close and she admired him. She loved her father, too, although he was overprotective over his daughter. Periwinkle grew to be an energetic kitten who would often try to leave the tunnels and explore, but she was always stopped by other cats. Lilyclan's rules were clear "Never leave the tunnels unless it's extremally unecessary or if you're a scout. The world is too dangerous, we must stay under the ground." Periwinkle was very upset to learn she could never leave the tunnels due to her father's overprotectve nature and those stupid rules. But even so, Peri managed to find her own ways to sneak out of her home and run into the open fields. Periwinkletuft was born with albinism, a genetic mutation that inteferes with the formation of melanin, the pigment that determines the color of fur and eyes. Due to the lack of pigment, it made her have a white coat and light-blue eyes. besides the white fur and blue eyes, Periwinkletuft also has other characteristics such as light colored skin (Visible through her muzzle and cheeks.) Nystagmus (involutary eye movements) and reduzed eye acuity. Her condition makes her extremally sensitive by ultraviolet rays, wich means she can't IN ANY WAYS go into the sun. Older cats taught her that if she ever gets out of the tunnels during the day, her skin would burn and her eyes would hurt due to the sunlight. And if she insisted, she would get a fatal sickness (Known as skin cancer.) Periwinkletuft's poor eyesight makes her only able to see blurry forms at best, but she uses her other senses to guide her through the tunnels and when she's outside (Such as her hearing, sense of smell, touch, her whiskers and etc.) Periwinkle was lucky (Although unlucky on her opinion) To be born in a clan that literally lives on the shadows, so she wouldn't need to worry about almost anything right? WRONG. Yes, she can live with her conditions perfectly fine. She does have her limitations, but she learned to live with them over time. But what really infuriates her is that her father, and even other cats use her condition as an excuse to not let her out, as if the stupid rules weren't enough. Periwinkle knows she can't leave during the day, so she sneaks out of the tunnels at night for treasure hunting, then she always comes back before sunrise to keep herself safe and out of trouble. But when there are times that she thinks SHE MUST leave during the day, she wears a blindfold that protects her eyes from the sunlight, and she manages to quickly run into the shade of the nearest trees. It works, but she tries to stay out during the day as minimium as possible. Not only because it would do bad to her health, but also because the guards are more active and she doesn't want to get caught! Lucky her, she wasn't spotted by night predators nor other cats up until now, although she is yet to find out about the dangers of the world she refused to believe in. [Note: If there is anything incorrect or ofensive on this text, don't be afraid to reach out to me so I can improve this Toyhouse and myself. Thank you!)

The truth about the world

Growing up forced to stay put, Peri couldn't help but become rebellious. Her free-spirited self couldn't bare to stay in the darkened cage, where everyone just lived without a meaning. When the small she ran away for the first time, she was overwhelmed, but stunned by how vast the world was. There were no walls to bump into, she could breath fresh air and run wherever she wanted. That was freedom. And that's why the world became so beautiful to her. Soon that running off "thingy" became an habit; Periwinkletuft would bring back home all kinds of stuff she found along the way, but of course, keeping them hidden in her secret lair. Periwinkletuft loves her family, but... She can't help but feel that she wants more than to just collect treasures, leave a few times and call it a day. She wants to live out there. She wants to meet new cats, discover new things and travel around the world. To learn everything she can while she's still young and strong. Periwinkletuft dispises the idea of staying forever in the underground, surrounded by the same boring lifestyle, the cage that was all she'd ever known. It all seemed impossible at first. How was she supposed to live on her own? How would she deal with her struggles? What about her family? What if there was nothing was like she imagined? But all of those insecurities would vanish once she'd met by chance two ferocious cats... Although they would bring to her a devasting truth.


Design Notes
  • Short, white fur.
  • Fluffly face and ears.
  • Blue eyes glow red when reflected light.
  • Small size.
  • petite.
  • Periwinkletuft's concept of beauty is the same as "Good feelings" and "memories." Anything that brings her joy is considered beautiful to her.
  • Peri's secret lair is located on a underground cave very far away from the tunnels her family resides. She never told anyone about that place, for it hides Peri's most precious treasures. Of course, there are certain risks since the cave is still connected to her home, so she tries her best not to be seen when sneaking out to her lair.
  • Periwinkletuft loves to make new friends, so she does her best to be nice and kind to anyone she meets. But if they get on her bad side, she's ready to fight them off. She might be a gentle cat, but she's not stupid enough to be a push-over.
  • Periwinkletuft hates secrets and dishonesty, although she hides secrets herself.
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