Does anyone here interest you ? If not I can offer 1 fullbody and a bust. If you want me to add lmk


This character caught my eye! Also your art is absolutely gorgeous! Does anyone here catch your eye?

I'd definitely be willing to trade lyile for apple patch ^^ does also interest me :0 I would be willing to trade art for them (prbly the same 1 fullbody and a bust offer ^^)

Awesome! I'll send Apple Patch your way!

And I can totally do that for Neon Worm! Do you have instagram or discord so we can talk easier? If not then toyhohse DMs work fine! ^^

Sent lyile too!

I do have instagram !

Sent and received! And I'll DM you right now!

I can trade someone from here

or art

heya! sadly no one caught my eye, thank you for your offer! If I turn to considering art I'll consider!