


6 months, 9 days ago


28, she/they, bi, it’s complicated

Satyr, Valor Bard/Peace Cleric

Looking for: adventure, friends, anything and everything!

Piper was raised in the ruins of Cimbar among other fey creatures of the material plane before heading out to see the world. Their first stop was Heptios where they quickly become embroiled in the city’s conflict between the oppressive merchant houses and the resisting Cooperative. During this time, Piper meets Eldessk, an ullitharid who is at the heart of the resistance. The two start up a relationship, but when things get serious in Heptios, Piper quickly realizes that they’re in over their head and sets off in the world to gain experience and power so that they can one day return to help kick out the merchants in power.

Piper is now part of the Gilded Falcon Company, a close-knit group of adventurers who are helping to bring down a Duchess in Waterdeep who is attempting apotheosis among other crimes against humanity. Piper is helpful, loyal, and cheerful and always has a story to tell or a kind word. They also have a bit of a temper (just fey things) and can be a bit flighty though they do their best. They become a cleric to Tymora to better protect their friends.

Current love interests: Eldessk (mindflayer ex-girlfriend, still on very good terms), Thalis (former guard in Heptios turned resistance fighter turned escapee from some fucked up magic), Malqwen (pirate queen bard who was Piper’s long-time rival during their travels. Piper thought it was fun and flirty, Malqwen thought it was very serious. They’re working on it.)

I also have Piper as an alt on ffxiv but pretty much just to go into gpose and gaze adoringly at them