Cairn of House M'Yalle





Cairn (Nightvein) of House M'Yalle

Bloodpunk, Dungeons and Dragons 5e



• unnaturally calm, very polite, kind, a little too serious and speaks with an old cadence of ominious flowery metaphors

• Generally a friendly nice guy but has had a lot of his emotions and personality sapped from him due to his position as both one called by the Blood God and a vampire thrall, where most of his life and memories before were ripped from him

• Has developed an incredibly submissive nature around vampires, but has simmering rage and integrity of who he was beneath.

• Very dutiful with a strong work ethic, strong convictions, tends to take on a lot of responsibility with high expectations for himself. Not wanting to result to violence but will use it and be insidious about working through the law for his master's benefit.

• Naturally LG but brainwashing has made him bounce between LE and LG.


• Early life was simple. Cairn Nightvein was the eldest son and he and his brother, Torin assisted their mother's masonry work, building many buildings in Kanrath. He married Tolva, a boiterous tavern worker and they had 3 lovely kids.

• However he began to hear the call from the blood god, tried to avoid it, resulting in him losing 3 fingers, and reluctantly joined the Temple of Blood to fulfil his duty.

• Cairn spent 3 years trying to disconnect from family and emotions, as needed but couldn't. The priestess tried to help him but then he came across Lady Rowana, a vampiric noble, childe of the first child, who believed she could get him to serve the Veinlord with her, without the rigitity.

• He was so happy, returned to his wife and family and told them the news, moving into the M'Yalle household. But instead was betrayed. Stripped of memories, personality he instead became a thrall of Lady Towana, devoted to only her for 100+ years.

• The family was told he was dead, his wedding ring returned and eventually a strange entity of rage called out to a lost anger in him.

• Noticing a hunger in him and with political plans of her own she begins to use him as a tool to do her dirty jobs, including assisting in the Second Child's Coup, becoming on of the founding members of the Crimson Order, sworn to the city.