Evelyn the Mortician



7 months, 15 days ago


Name: Evelyn the Mortician

Codename: None yet

Alias: “Queen of the Casket Match” 👑 ⚰️

Age: 27

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 173 lbs

Nationality: Slavic-Japanese American

From: Maine, United States

Alignment: ????

Wrestling style: Powerhouse striking and wrestling locks.

Favorite kinds of matches: Hardcore, Horror themed and of course, Casket Matches.

Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver

Bio: Her mother’s parents immigrated from the Slavic region to open up their own business of undertaking in the United States. They passed it down to their children, and the eldest of their children, her father, took over the family business. Where he met her Japanese American mother, who was very much into the Gothic and fell in love with him.

They married and had multiple children, Evelyn being the one to grow up wanting to continue the family business.

However, she found a new love as well. Her family would gather around and watch pro wrestling. She loved the theatrical violence and drama of it all! Even loving to see her family trade get featured as a gimmick with the Undertaker and Paul Bearer.

It was later though that she saw the matches that would ignite her desire to fully get into pro wrestling: Casket matches.

Her family respects the dead, always has, always will. They are ever so gentle with the deceased and want to treat them gently into the coffin.

However, there was something about seeing two fighters battle it out, trying to force the other to get in the coffin and bury their opponent! She knew one day, she would have to do it.

Balancing out getting a degree in mortuary science and wrestling classes, she soon found she mastered both at 22 years old.

She still wanted to take over the family business, but what if she brought the family business….to Leviathan?

She is here now to dominate, and possibly even, accept more into her family and spread her influence through the wrestling world.