Cephea [NEVER]



5 years, 11 months ago


"Theme"/Relatable Song:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8qDOGLCSFo


She's a below average height Octoling. 

She's short but she's not a force you want to mess with too much, teasing doesn't roll past her easily.
Looks younger than she actually is. Was once an Octoling squad leader (an Elite) but her squad was destroyed by an inkling (will be my next OC), leaving her with nothing left of her past and distrusting of most Inklings.


"Fia" for short, ONLY to her friends.

Her outfits are almost all very loosely themed on Jellyfish, even JUST a smidge in some, and she takes pride in knowing she created them herself.
She's got a neat little trick where she rigs her outfits to have lights hidden all over them in places others wouldn't expect, not to mention a secret button that can call a huge custom made industrial Squee-G she named "Fluffy".

Any  dot on her outfits or pearls/accessories normally light up and glows when she activates the  lights. If she adds ruffles and other things similar to these to her outfits, she'll sometimes add soft lighting within them as well to give off a mellow glowing effect.

She's shorter than her Octoling peers, and sometimes shorter than even some Inklings,  her height is something she is not all too proud of and she absolutely  hates it when people poke fun at her over it. She will GLADLY swat you across the face with a brush if holding one, so its best not to poke fun at her when she is holding her weapon of choice.
She  prefers brushes and rollers, they are easier for her to handle as her  height allows her some fairly good agility to back it up.
Fia has nothing wrong with other weapons she just doesn't handle them as well  and will often get splatted if not in her comfort zone.

Do  NOT let her sweet smile fool you, she is also a bit of an arse toward others she doesn't trust and even sass's others for fun when bored. She has a very high and mighty nature, perhaps remnents of when she was still in the Octarian army as an Elite soldier. Though due to this, she also makes a fantastic leader and takes VERY good care of her own teams, in fact, if you try anything fishy with her new team she will likely hunt you down herself.

She sadly has not built up a full trust for a majority of the Inkling  community, she still does not believe they could just be that accepting of Octolings living together in peace. Fia can warm up to an Inkling of  course if they're persistent enough at being nice to her and showing  they hold no ill will toward her as an Octoling, but otherwise she generally steers clear and sticks to her own kind or to herself.

Fia can be an overall good lady,  like any other Octoling she knows her way around electronics and enjoys  tinkering with things in her own way, but her tinkering is most commonly  found in her outfits and accessories. On the rare occasion she might  customize a weapon to look a pinch...over the top (like herself)

Energetic,  Semi-friendly, Can be incredibly sassy or even rude toward most people, Likes to stand out to compensate for her discomfort in her height or to bury her past so she doesn't appear as though she is grieving over anything or weak. Can be a bit sensitive over certain things, when effected negatively she'll generally wander off on her own somewhere and hide.
If pushed enough she'll sulk in a corner somewhere and refuse to respond  to others....hopefully not plotting to splat them in a future match.

Has an incredible attachment to Daedra, a fellow Octoling that found her not too long after Fia moved to Inkopolis.
She often acts really blunt or harsh toward the other Octoling but she does care and sometimes worries about the girl because of her tendencies to stress or panic over things.
If Dae were attacked or teased by someone though, Fia would gladly crush them herself before storming off. No one messes with Fia's squad, even if her squad is only one other Octoling so far that drives her absolutely bonkers. Acts much like a big sister or a mother in the sense that she is constantly trying to help Dae out in both feeling comfortable and safe as well as fitting in so she doesn't draw in too much attention and make herself more uncomfortable.

Despite her distrust and hatred toward most Inklings, Fia has also got one Inkling that is often seen hanging around the two Octolings. 
Fia tends to act rather negative and violent toward AA at the best of times, but it really just boils down to the Squids persistance versus her own distrust and the way she was built/raised as an Octoling to fight before making pleasantries. She gets incredibly annoyed at some of this Inklings antics and pushing, but at times it almost seems like she's somewhat...content with the company in a strange way. Something about the Inkling has got her confused and unsure of what to trust or distrust anymore, perhaps one day AA will break through her issues completely and free her mind from the past.
Even though she'd freely splat any Inkling in her face, AA gets away with a lot in the sense that they only get a fist to the face or shoved out of the way. Even in something such as Salmon run or turf war, if AA was in a tight spot, Fia would shockingly help out just like she would with Dae.