


5 years, 11 months ago



Satan (or Devil...)

Ruler of the underworld

Gender Agender
Pronouns They/It
Age Young Adult
Species Shapeshifter Cat
Tarot Card XV. The Devil
Sexuality Aromantic/Asexual


Satan is a huge trickster. They're the master of hell, creator of all the demons and monsters, and responsible for most of the chaos happening in there. They spend most of their days playing games with people, mostly betting games, in which they cheat only to be the winner. On the other hand, they're a very curious being, and really enjoy to meet new people and learn about their life experiences. Satan was born while the world was being created, and so, had a very fantastic childhood. Satan is in the second place in world hierarchy, only under The Creator, and above all the angels, demons and other gods. They have a bad reputation because of their mean behaviour, and so they don't have many friends. Satan is trying to be not-so-mean, so they can meet someone they can call a friend, or, as they like to call it, a partner in crime.


Satan is an anthro cat, with kemono body type, small chest and their height is 155cm. They have black body and white face, sharp yellow teeth, and big narrow eyes with yellow sclera, red iris, black round outer pupil and red cat-like inner pupil. They have pink bags under their eyes. They don't use clothes, and can shapeshift their body to other age appearances and species, never changing their colors and markings. They have a fluffy neck and a long fluffy tail. They have long red claws in both hands, and pink skin in their hand palms.

  • Tricking people
  • Bets and betting games
  • Anything gross
  • Blood and guts
  • Eating raw meat
  • Meeting people
  • Following rules
  • Being scolded by The Creator
  • The smell of flowers
  • Being alone (that's a secret)

The Creator

Satan was the first being created by The Creator, and is treated as The Creator's true child. Together, they gave birth to the other gods, angels and mortals. Satan concentrates 99% of The Creator's evil part, and 1% of the good part. In the gods' assemblies, Satan occupies a chair in the left side of The Creator. They have a relationship of absolute respect, as Satan's always follows The Creator's orders, and as The Creator pays attention to Satan's opinions and ideas. Satan refers to The Creator as their father.


Gumi is The Creator's only pupil, aspiring The Creator's role. Satan feels a mix of hate and envy for her, as they're very jealous of their father, and as they want The Creator to be forever the ruler of everything. Satan teases Gumi everytime they're together, personally and through her mind. The Creator knows about their harsh relationship, but does not interfere so Gumi can grow stronger and not tempted by anyone's desire (not even hers). Gumi is trying to control her feelings, but she can't deny she hates Satan more than everything and wants to steal their relationship with The Creator.


Satanick's is Satan's apprentice. Even thought the bold of master and pupil, their relationship is troubled. Satanick envies Satan's position of ruler of the underworld, and Satan, noticing that, teases his pupil, not letting him know when or if he will ever get the role. Satan secretly appreciates their pupil's envy, and teases him trying to arouse his inclination to the other deadly sins, such as wrath.

profile html by Hukiolukio