


7 months, 17 days ago


God of Steel

Name Oryx
Age Ageless
Alias God of Steel
Gender Man
Sexuality Gay
Pronouns He / Him
Role Protector
Species Deity

Design Notes!
  • Has an arsenal of swords and other weapons he has handcrafted.
  • He almost never takes off his armour.
  • Sometimes wears a steel circlet.
  • Favours deep blues, reds, and greys/silvers in his outfits.
Reference Here

Oryx, God of Steel, Forge Master, The Protector

Oryx is one of the 6 deities that inhabit Magicus. He watches over all things forging, weapons, metal, etc. Though he is also associated with war. He is lawful neutral, and his holy symbol is a simple small sword made out of steel. Sometimes accented in deep reds or blues. He personally favours the longsword.

He is a human-like man with greyish blue skin. His hair is a silvery white, with both sides shaven and the top tied into a long ponytail. His eeyes are a piercing white surrounded by black scelra. He tends to be wearing armour.

The God of Steel is a rough and blunt kind of man. He seeks perfection in anything he is created, and refuses weaponry that has even the slightest error. Though he is associated with war, he does not wish to cause it. Only bolster his allies when it's needed, providing only the finest craftsmanship. He is less likely to bestow powers upon someone who does not worship him. But it does happen on a rare occassion.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

House of Steel

A House of Steel looks much like a forge, inside and out. It is a special kind of forge, blessed by Oryx himself, and the forgemasters within act as an equivalent to priests. Within they make weapons of great craftsmanship, but offer them to non-worshippers at a much higher price. A lot of Oryx's followers are dedicated forgemasters, aspiring forgemasters, or at the very least, passionate about the forge and what it creates.


His tenets are: Strive for perfection, live with honour, and protect those you care for.


  • He was once in love with someone other than Crux.
  • Though both Lyra and him create, his approach to creation is much different.

Extra Tidbits
Aesthetic dark fantasy
Alignment lawful neutral
class fighter
Sin pride
Virtue courage

Designer hauntedcave
Obtained created
Status nfs
Value n/a


Oryx and Crux have been married for a long, long time.

Crux is Oryx's rock, and helps calm him down when his anger gets the better of him. Many others do not understand why Crux is married to Oryx, or how their relationship even works. But they do truly love each other.

ex-lovers, now enemies

Didar and Oryx were together an even longer time ago, a time mostly forgotten. But they both remember.

The story of their love has been lost to time, only known by the two involved. Now whenever they are near each other, they're at each other's throats with no mercy to be seen.