
7 months, 20 days ago


Name: Darvin Celios

Age: 16 years / 7 sweeps

Height: 5'8

Pronouns: He/Him

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay Asexual 

About: Homestuck oc i made when i was 16, i'm not really a fan of the webcomic anymore but he's still an OC that holds a lot of emotional significance to me. Gold blooded troll born without any pyschic powers and has a deep fear of being culled for being a low blood that's lacking the ability that most of his bloodcaste is seen as useful for. To compensate he tries to prove his worth to troll society by trying to be as intelligent as possible. He can come off a bit snobbish and elitist because of this but it's due to a desire to avoid being culled for not being seen as "useful"