[WTA/DTA]'s Comments

Hello, finally doing my WTA spin for this girl <3!
TW: Assault is mentioned.

Kassandra Andromedus

Personal Information:

  • Name: Kassandra Andromedus
  • Age: Over 200 years old (looks no later than 30)
  • Physical Appearance:
    • Height: 5'8"
    • Distinguishing Features: Pink hair cascading down her back, fiery purple, blue, and pink eyes, two horns, one resilient broken horn, regal bearing combined with untamed beauty.


Kassandra was born into a family of stature during a time where the world was cast in the hues of the medieval era. She was the eldest daughter, a cherished member of her household. Her childhood was a time of joy, filled with the love of both her parents and siblings. Growing up, she was taught an array of skills necessary for life during those times. Her education included not just the formalities of courtly decorum but also practical skills such as cooking and farming. She was also trained in the art of amateur combat, though battles were infrequent, limited to skirmishes with wildlife and the occasional encounters with bandits.

What set Kassandra apart was her unique ability: the capacity to mimic the physical form of creatures she had seen in person. However, she could only hold onto forms that she had witnessed closely, and even then, only two forms were within her complete control. One was that of a long, white dragon with a dorsal mane, its underbelly shimmering like snow in the moonlight. The other was a werewolf form, standing slightly under 5 feet at the shoulders. Her own traits, such as her tufted tail and horns, were evident even in these forms. Any other form demanded more concentration and wasn't entirely within her control. The werewolf form was an unexpected development, brought about by her interactions with Garrick, a guardian employed by a neighboring king. Garrick was akin to a "guard dog" for hire, and through extended periods spent in his company, Kassandra learned to replicate his creature form, albeit with her own nuances.

Her life took a significant turn when, at the tender age of 17, she was married off to an older man of wealth and status. However, her inability to conceive an heir resulted in her being deemed unfit for her marital role. This led to abuse from her former husband, causing her immense emotional pain. Eventually, she returned home, seeking solace and a chance to make amends for what she perceived as her shortcomings. Back in her familiar surroundings, she endeavored to find her footing again. Gradually, she found comfort in friendships, experiencing her first crush on her confidant Garrick. Their clandestine meetings on the outskirts of her village became a refuge from her trials. Garrick not only provided emotional support but also aided her by imparting additional combat skills, empowering her to protect herself if needed. However, as Garrick grew occupied with kingdom matters and even developed romantic interests elsewhere, Kassandra felt the sting of his absence keenly. She withdrew from their nighttime meetings, channeling her energies into various village activities. Her engagement with the community deepened as she spent time with the children, indulging in games of hide and seek and tag, revealing her more playful side.

Yet, fate had darker plans in store for her. A night craving Garrick's company led her into an ambush by bandits. She was captured and taken to a hideout, where she endured a harrowing night of assault, leaving not just physical scars but also deeply wounding her spirit. It was in this moment of despair that a stranger emerged, a figure cloaked in danger and menace, yet paradoxically appearing as a savior. This mysterious man, Azurael, stood tall and formidable, his arms smeared with the blood of her captors. His eyes, initially a haunting white devoid of pupils, eventually settled into purple-gray hues. He took her under his wing, escorting her to his secluded cabin nestled deep within the woods. Azurael was a traveler, bearing an air of wisdom far beyond his youthful appearance. His motivations for taking her in remained a mystery, but to Kassandra, his cabin became a sanctuary away from the traumas of her past. She found solace in his company, clinging to the presence of someone who harbored no ill intentions towards her. Despite his enigmatic nature and the unspoken feelings that seemed to blossom between them, Azurael's inherent wanderlust hinted that his stay might be transient. Months passed in the quiet solitude of the cabin, their bond deepening, yet unspoken emotions lingered beneath the surface. As Azurael revealed his decision not to accompany her back home, Kassandra grappled with conflicting emotions.

Returning home, she'd find herself navigating the delicate balance between her inner turmoil and the duties awaiting her. Reconnecting with her family would be both a source of joy and a reminder of the responsibilities she once sought to escape. Her younger siblings would greet her with excitement, while her parents would envelop her in warmth and concern, noticing the changes in her demeanor and the invisible scars etched upon her spirit. Despite the overwhelming emotions swirling within her, Kassandra would immerse herself in her newfound role within the village. Her experiences away from home had honed her skills and broadened her perspectives. She'd approach her responsibilities with newfound determination, focusing on ensuring the well-being of her people, drawing from the wisdom and strength she had acquired during her absence. Yet, her heart would remain haunted by memories of Azurael. The unspoken feelings they shared, the bond they forged in the solitude of the woods, would echo within her. She'd often find herself lost in thought, reminiscing about their time together, the conversations that lingered in her mind, and the fleeting moments of understanding between them. Her duties and the affection of her family would serve as a balm, easing the ache of Azurael's absence. Yet, the allure of the unknown, the enigmatic traveler who had offered her refuge and companionship, would persist as a ghostly presence in her heart. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Kassandra would gradually find a semblance of balance. She'd throw herself into the village affairs, proving herself not just as the eldest daughter but as a capable and compassionate leader.

Kassandra's return to the village was already a tumultuous mix of emotions, but Garrick's sudden appearance added a whole new layer of complexity to her feelings. The sight of him, aged and yet still vibrant with unmistakable joy at her return, stirred a flurry of emotions within her. She was caught off guard by his exuberance, his familiar presence flooding her with a rush of memories and emotions she had tucked away during her absence. The physical changes in him, the streaks of grey in his hair and beard, spoke volumes of the time that had passed since they last met. As Garrick swept her off her feet in a whirlwind of excitement, spinning her around, Kassandra couldn't help but laugh, her heart simultaneously soaring and aching. His enthusiasm and genuine happiness at seeing her again were palpable, and it warmed a part of her soul she hadn't realized was still yearning for his presence. The embrace felt like coming home, a familiar warmth amidst the storm of conflicting emotions swirling within her. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to revel in the comfort of his arms, cherishing the bond they had forged in their shared past. However, underneath the joy of their reunion, there lingered an unspoken tension—a silence filled with untold stories, unvoiced feelings, and the weight of the time they had spent apart. Kassandra couldn't ignore the passage of time etched on Garrick's face, the changes in him a stark reminder of the years that had slipped by since they last stood face to face. As Garrick set her down, their eyes met, holding a depth of understanding that transcended words. There was so much left unspoken between them, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities of their intertwined history. Caught between the joy of Garrick's return and the lingering memories of her time away, Kassandra found herself standing at a crossroads, uncertain of how to navigate the tangle of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She knew that despite the passing years and the changes they had both undergone, the connection they shared remained a vital part of her story—a chapter she wasn't ready to close just yet.