Silver star



7 months, 16 days ago


Silver Star is the child of King Sombra and Twilight Sparkle, and perhaps one of the singular most powerful magical beings of their era. That power doesn't come without its drawbacks, though, such as Silver Star's frequent migraines and chronic fatigue. They frequently have to rest and charge up anytime they use a significant amount of their power, but when the pressure is on, they're always able to muster up the strength to do what needs to be done. Twilight frets over them constantly for pushing themselves too hard, and worries one day that they may not be able to recover. Sombra, on the other hand, thinks Silver Star *must* push their limits to become stronger, often pushes Silver Star past exhaustion whenever they train with him. Silver Star has a lot of pressure on their shoulders to be strong and courageous like their mother, and often disregards her warnings to follow their father's instruction

El mama boy