Jack the Reindeer



5 years, 11 months ago


  • Jackson (Jack)

  • age 14 (Pre-Timeskip), 19 (Post Timeskip)
  • gender Male
  • SpeciesDeer
  • role Protector of Lilica
  • theme

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper. In gravida libero consectetur, lobortis nisl sit amet, pellentesque ligula. Suspendisse tincidunt feugiat posuere. Duis dui erat, accumsan a aliquam eu, efficitur a tortor. Nunc molestie, leo in commodo aliquam, tellus augue tempor velit, non placerat ex sem non nisi.

 "You actually remind me of someone I used to be pretty close to. She was always so selfess and compassionate. I...think about her almost everyday. I miss her." 

height 5'7

build content

pronouns He/Him

s.o. Straight; Taken by Eirica

dob January 5

sign content

origin Lilica

occupation Future king of Wisteria

mbti TBA

demeanor content

tarot TBA

element $$$

Created 2015

value $$$


  • Hunting
  • Nature
  • Snowball Fights
  • White Roses


  • War
  • Tyrants
  • Ice Skating
  • Feeling embarassed 

The Beginning

Jack was born on an unnaturally warm winter day to his mother and father. He grew up constantly clinging to his mother but managed to become quick friends with other children such as Grenda and Cocoa. His life was somewhat normal, with the occassional mishaps with his father, until the one fateful day. When he was 5 years old, he was playing with Grenda in the meadows as his mother watched over them. She warned them not to wander off too far but Jack disregarded her when he thought he heard a sound of distress. His mother followed close behind them, chastizing the children for traveling too far. To the groups horror, they witnissed the incident that lead to the queen of Wisteria's disappearance. A straggler noticed the group and chased after them. Jack's mother instructed the children to run and run they did. Jack ended up straggling behind and went back to protect his mother. The scuffle continued, resulting in his mother taking a fatal shot in order to protect him. Help came too late and she passed shortly after. Due to his recklensness, Jack's father ultimately blamed him for his mother's death, causing Jack to eventually run away from home. He was joined by Grenda and her mother and the group survived in the woods. Over the years, the children developed hunting skills and took onto stealing from the local merchants whenever they were low on food. The family moved a lot but none the less, his mischevious nature stayed no matter where they went. There were moments where Jack dreamnt about going back home but his lingering guilt over his mother's death prevent him from doing so.

Journery to Wisteria

By the time Jack was a teenager, he had already become quite the troublemaker. He was known throughout many towns to steal constantly, occassionally giving the food he took to those less fortunate. During one of his rounds, he ended up stealing from an arctic wolf named Eirica, who managed to get him caught. When she discovered he was somewhat imfamous for stealing, she made a deal with him in order to get him out of trouble: Let her join him on his adventures. He relunctant to do so but ultimately let her join him. In order to do so, he framed her current caretaker for his crime instead and ran out with her once everything settled. On the beginning of her adventure, he is constantly annoyed by her optimistic attitude. However, as he spends more time with her, Jack slowly began to open up to her and eventually caught feelings. When the group makes it to Wisteria, they decide to say with his other friend Cocoa. While Eirica is at the ball, he discovers the truth behind her past and rushes to tell her but ends up beind kidnapped by the guards thank to intel from his father. He's accused of using Eirica in order get the reward for her disappearane, causing a break between the two. Jack is able to escape thanks to his mink companion and stands off against in father in order to save Eirica. Once Eirica is saved, the two join forces to defeat him and Eirica's former caretaker. After everything settles, Jack and Eirica go their separate ways, not before Jack somewhat confirms his feelings for her with a kiss before running away and returning to Lillica. 

Wisteria vs. Lillica

Five years after Jack and Eirica separated, Jack was in the middle of war with Eirica's father over the land of Lillica. The king wanted to further expand on Wisteria's already existing land and Lillica was a part of the area he wanted to extend to. He thinks about reaching out to Eirica to confront her on the issue but their previous encounter prevents him from doing so. During one of the skirmishes, Eirica happens to get caught up in the fight and is essentially taken hostage. Jack is surprised to see her in Lillica and is even more suprised when she greets him again with the kiss. After some days pass, the two get into a heated argument over how things are being handled on both sides. He causes her to run away and goes to find her after being chastized by Grenda. He happens to run into Colton and is severely injured while trying to explain himself. Eirica manages to save him and the group returns to Lillica. Jack has his injuries treated by Eirica and apologizes for his words. The two confirm their feelings for each other and offcially reconcile. Eirica returns back to Wisteria with Colton after she makes him promise not to tell her father about Jack's whereabouts. Over the course of a few weeks, Jack and Eirica continue to meet in secret, a few of those instance resulting on them getting intimate. A few more weeks pass and Eirica discovers she's pregnant with Jack's child. Before she is able to tell him, he ends up getting captured by the King and his guards due to Colton breaking his promise out of pure jealously. Jack is senteced to be executed and has a blowout with Colton while in prison. On the day of his execution, Eirica sets up a plan with Grenda, Cocoa, and Duval but ultimately fail. In the end, Jack is saved by Eustace and happily reunites with Eirica. After some brief intervention, Eirica's father decides to relinquish his title and allows his daughter to take the throne with Jack as her husband. Jack makes Duval the new protector of Lillica and the war between the two kingdoms end. Eirica gives birth to their child months later and the two continue to rule Wisteria until one of their children is of age.


Eirica Winters

[ Best Friend/Love Interest ] Jack initially wanted nothing to do with Eirica but reluncting accepted her offer of "adventure" and "traveling" in exchange for not ratting him out. He is constantly annoyed by her optimistic nature, but eventually warms up to her due to her compassionate and motherly attitude. He slowly starts to develop feelings for her, making many embarassing attempts to impress her. Their adventure ends when they make it to Wisteria and learn the truth behind her past. After dealing with guards and false allegations, he and Eirica bid each other farewell, not before Jack kisses her before disappearing. Five years later, the two are reunited and Jack's feelings are returned with a kiss from Eirica. The two get into an argument when he attempts to push her away, claiming she deserves someone better than him. After being shot and healed by Eirica, Jack confirms he still has feelings for her and the two reconcile. During a skirmish with the king, Jack learns Eirica is pregnant with their child. After the skirmish ends, the two become the new rulers of Wisteria and have two more children in the future. 


Grenda Stark

[ Childhood Friend ] One of Jack's childhood friends. The two grew up in Lilica together, along with their frien Cocoa. After Jack's mother died and he was banished by his father, Grenda left alongside him and lived together in the woods outside of Lilica. The two learned to hunt together and played pranks on the local merchants in Wisteria. Their relationship is still strong after the time skip, with Grenda confiding in Jack about her feelings towards Colton.



[ Rival ] Jack and Colton do not get a long for the shear fact that both boys have feelings for Eirica. Colton would always try to sabotage Jack's chances with Eirica, but they ended up bringing her closer to him instead. After the time skip, the rivaly is seemingly more bitter since Eirica still has feelings for Jack. Eventually, Jack's relationship is relunctantly accepted by Colton, though he constantly threatened with death if he ever tries to hurt her.

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