Can I roll across row* 1?

Of course! Lemme message you my PayPal and we can get to Rollin!


You won 1B the spike dragon! Do you want to keep or reroll?

Reroll, I'll go pay

You won LuvSim the robot! Would you like to keep?

One moar roll pls

Auto get frost duke! 

I will send him on over!

Could I buy C3 if their still available?

They are avaliable, and of course! Let me dm you my paypal!

Heyhey! Can I do two rolls down Row C, please?

Of course! I am about to pass out after travel but I will pass you my PayPal in a am so we can roll when I wake up!

Sent the payment!

You won the Candy Dandy and the Feesh man! Would you like to keep or reroll one? 

I would like to reroll the Feesh man please! I will send over that $3 ^^

Keeping Candy Dandy!

Okie dokie! Auto land on Gray then! Gonna send em over!

1 Replies

Hello, may I have two rolls down column A? May I be given the link to pay or be told where the link it is? Thank you.

I will dm you my PayPal and we can get to rolling!

Sent! :D

You have won the alien and the ant! Would you like to keep or reroll one?

(( if you reroll one you auto end up with card collector! Bubble Puppy is gone but I couldn't mark her off cause traveling if that makes a difference!))

I'll take the two! Thank you so much! :D

I will send them over in dm!

I'd like to purchase 2 rolls across Row 3!

Okie dokie! Lemme know when you are good to roll!

Roll away, Missy!
Payment Sent.

You got Bubble Puppy and Fuzz devil! Do you want to keep or reroll?

Keep :} Thank you! Will be back Tuesday. How long will your sale go on for?

Thinking of going till the end of the month!

2 Replies

Can I get two G rolls and buy spot dog, Missy?

Of course! I am ready to go when you are!

Sure thing I'll send the 25 now, thank you ♡

You got Toy Lion and Krew Imp! Do you want to keep or reroll any?

Gonna send you Spot now!

I'm gonna be naughty as I like far too many on this row xD can I keep them both and get two more rolls, please? ^^; 

That you can! You can keep Rollin to your hearts content!

Alright I'll send that over then, thank you^^

You got Frost Fox and Tattoo Punk! Do you wanna keep em or wiggle them around for the last guy? 

1 Replies

Can I get a B roll?   

Of course! Let me dm you my PayPal and I will send the puppet over there as well! Let me know when ya send!

You won B3, the Oh Deer! Do you want to keep or reroll!

And thank you!!

He's PERFECT! Thank you!

I will send him over in dms!

Thank you!!


May I get two D rolls? :]

Yes! Lemme just slap my paypal in a dm, and we can roll forth!


Sent! ^^

You got Whezzard and Ork! Do you want to keep or reroll any?


I'll keep em both! Ty!! :D

I will send them your way!

This user is not visible to guests.

Of course! If you want I can dm you my paypal again so we can get rollin!

This user is not visible to guests.

You won D7 Fire Punk! Do you wanna keep or reroll?

This user is not visible to guests.

You got the grape! Do you want to keep or reroll?

This user is not visible to guests.

Since Wheezord and Ork are pending that leaves then cowboy! Do you want to keep him or wait to see if the other two get taken or one tossed back?

3 Replies

I have... 9 dollars and 68 cents. Im certainly looking at A rn (mostly 3 or 4)... is there anything i can do to make up the amount that i do not have, for a roll on A? Understandable if not, just thought i should ask-

Waiting to see the updates with the new claims... so I can see what's around. Because I like seeing all the designs getting homes :) and also because I may be able to buy some more rolls. Or possibly get one outright. But that is currently being debated internally rn.

Oh boy! I am almost home tonight to mark folks off the image!

The ones marked off in the text area is accurate!

( I just like being a visual person myself as well)

Oh hey wait, Can I roll on A, guaranteed win /j

He is a lonely fella there, I'm definitely eyeing him.

Actually you can! I allow that since I haven't done a puppet shuffle XD

. . . OK can. Can I do that then. Get the silly. I've been thinking about a good place for him in town frfr. That would be the roll cost? Or the outright-

4 Replies

Gonna go ahead and request a roll down on Row E! There's too many designs this gatcha i love ;u;

Okie dokie! I should be floating around today, just poke me when ya send and we can roll.

And I am glad to hear! I think this one has my most hand puppets yet hanging around. I wanted to have a ton so people could consider em while I am on vacation 

Payment sent for the first roll! ~will probably end up rolling again XD~

You have won E6! The Blue painter! 

Do you want to keep or reroll?

Keep and reroll! Funds have been sent!

Same row?

If we are still rolling down E, you won the Jester Bun!

7 Replies

Could I put A6 on hold? I’m getting em’ for a friend if that’s ok?

That's okay! I can place them over in pending!

Okay can I do a normal roll on row 2 haha… I’m obsessed with some designs 

Of course! Lemme know when you send and we can roll!

Sending it rn!

You have one 2f, the Frost Duke! Would you like to keep him or reroll?

Reroll please! Sent the reroll money!

You got D2 the clown! Would you like to keep or reroll?

2 Replies

I would like to buy b2 please! Absoluelty dying to make them into a physical puppet haha

Of course! Lemme message you my PayPal and I can send em over!

Tysn! Sent it over!

Sent em your way! Thank you!

1C and 4D are my favorites of all! But all the gacha is completely beautiful! ^^)♡

It's a shame that I don't have access to PayPal, I'll have to see them from afar X")

Thank you!
And oh no! I know that feeling, some artists don't take paypal and I sit there watching longingly, hand on window.

Hahaha! It's me but those who only accept PayPal, or directly real money.

I'm just looking, thinking in my mind "I wish I had PayPal" :")

I have moved to Square for irl sales at cons and things, cause paypal decided to shut down it's normal service and then was like NAH I DONT WANT TO SEND YOU THIS NEW THING.
I take direct real money at cons only usually. Mailing money makes me nervous cause who knows what can happen!

Oooh, I'm not very familiar with PayPal in general, but from friends who do use it in their auctions and sales I only know that sometimes it can be a pain xD

Hello, I was wondering if I could get 2 rolls, but you can choose which rows. 

Of course! I can roll across the whole thing if you want!
I will message you my paypal so we can get rollin!

Thank you and that sounds awesome! 

You have won D5 Shiver, and G6 Wyvern! Do you want to keep both or reroll any? Reroll is $7!

Sweet! I'll keep them both, I love them!

Will send em on over in a dm!

3 Replies

OOOO Could I get 5A / Wormy?

Of course! Lemme dm you my PayPal!

Can I purchase Angel Hair pls? Believe its 2A

Sorry I have to retract this statement, I thought I had enough turns out I did! Im so sorry

It's okay! 

This user is not visible to guests.

Of course! If you need me to dm you my PayPal I can!

This user is not visible to guests.

Sent him over! I will have to edit the sheet when I get on the computer.

And thank you! I wanted to make a huge one this time cause I will be heading off on vacation soon. Prepped them puppets!

This user is not visible to guests.

Thank you! 

And will look forward to it, if ya do!

3 Replies

raAUGH a roll on 3 pleaseeee (literally vibing with all but two of 'em and my top two faves of this batch are also on that line)

Okie dokie! Do you want me to send you my paypal again? Or if you're good lemme know when you send so we can get rollin!

SENT! lets gooooo

Luck smiles upon you! You won the Taxi driver!

I know it was one you were eyeballing, but I still am gonna ask if you wanna reroll! Or if I should let him drive on over in dms!

YIPEE yes yes keep please hehehehhehehehe,, if i manage to gather a bit more cash i may come back for another of them, but we shall see if fortune will favor me...

Will send them your way!