
7 months, 16 days ago


Basic Info

Clan: ShadowClan

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Virtue: Tolerance


Halffox is a usually calm ShadowClan warrior who enjoys going about with his duties. Though he doesn’t often have frequent talks with anyone, he would gladly talk with someone if asked to. He isn't hostile when running into a cat from another clan, explaining his virtue of Tolerance. However, he stays cautious when interacting and is quick to change attitude if that cat is ever aggressive to him.

Though Halffox appears quiet, it was easy to get on his soft side for those close to him as he often shows concern to others.





“You raised me here since I was a kit, but look at me now.. I just hope I haven’t grown too fast for you. What will I do without you?”

As one of Broomstick’s kits, Halffox wouldn’t know what to do without his father. The straw-colored tom has raised him since he was little, and the ginger tabby still thinks about the day he talked with Broomstick, promising him that he would not grow up nearly as fast. He’s a senior warrior now.. And to him, youth just feels so short-lived.



“I may have not talked with you as much as I talked with Broomstick… But still, thank you for being my father.”

Halffox looks up to Foxfluff and as much as he loves Broomstick, loves him as his father. While the two haven’t been seen interacting, Halffox took Foxfluff’s swimming method taught to him at heart and used it to escape drowning quickly. It is unknown if this is canon, but Foxfluff often referred to Halffox as the ‘golden child.’


Older brother

“Who are you? I wish I could've known you sooner”

Halffox doesn’t entirely know Barkpaw, only knowing that his brother died before he was born. Halffox wants to ask Broomstick about Barkpaw, but worries that it would hurt his father since he knows that he holds all his kits so dearly.


Adopted brother

“It’s rather unfortunate that you left.. But enjoy your time in RiverClan.”

Halffox  is often quiet around his younger brother as to try not to make him too excited even though it was futile. He finds his brother’s hobby of predicting other cats’ deaths strange and unsettling, and hopes not to talk him into predicting his.



“I’m proud of you more than you would've ever imagined.”

Halffox decided to take Crimsonkit under his wing, being his adoptive father. Like Broomstick, Halffox was very loving to his son, often reassuring him when he felt unsure at times.

Like Broomstick did when Halffox was fresh out of the apprentice den, the ginger tabby showed Crimsonrain a place he often enjoyed outside of the clans, The Empty Woods.