Ki !!'s Comments

he seems fun to draw I like it 


story thingie: I'm thinking they could be under some cloth and they  disguised I bc they think they're ugly underneath. They r Have many eyes that scare little children. They really don't mean to but they cannot help it. They hate themself. They will accidentally spread negativity without meaning to. 

Im kinda thinking underneath that cloth, could be A LOT more eyes?? Lik, the whole body and face covered in eyes. And just a black shadow where your expectations unable them really make out what it even is. A monster. It doesn't have much feelings. It hates life. Sometimes it loves life. Sometimes Its medium abt it. It is hard to tell what they are thinking sometimes .

I would like to throw my hat in the ring for this cutie too!

Since this character has found its home I deleted my wta entry for it. I'd like to keep the idea I had for myself to rework and reuse later. Should this character ever be up for offers in the future I would love to know.

And some headcannons:
Powder: I see that she is a leader of a gang. So while she is super strong and denies any help, preferring to take care of business herself, she secretly would love someone to pamper her and treat her like a princess. Maybe someone stronger will come along and the difference in strength will make her feel more dainty? Or someone weaker who she protects but who has a big personality and makes sure she eats well and imparts the importance of self care? Or maybe she needs no one and just her public persona is tuff and rough but secretly behind closed doors she does her hair and paints her nails?

Bul: I think that they love big oversized comfy sweaters but also at the same time have a high body temperature so they get hot very easily that's why whenever they can they never wear pants. Luckily for Bul they have a remote job/stream so no one ever actually knows that they are business on top and party on the bottom. When they do have to leave the house they have a cute assortment of shorts but as soon as they are in the door at home they immediately go flying. When they aren't working they enjoy lounging in a favorite comfy chair reading novels.

August: For August I think he is spicy like a chihuahua. He is small but isn't afraid of speaking his mind and often wear large sweaters to try and hide his thin frame. August's friends often worry about him since his bark is worse than his bite and they fear he might one day offend the wrong person and they fret over him anytime he appears with new bandages. In these instances August will weave fantastical tales of how he taught so and so a lesson but his friends believe in the opposite. The real truth however is that for all August tries to look and act tough he has a secret hobby that he fears makes him look too soft to admit to. In truth he love plants and gardening but in trying his hardest to give his plants the best care secretly he often ends up hurting himself in the mad dash to hide all evidence. In reality he has never been in a fight, but stepping on a rake while rushing around will still give just as convincing a black eye.

Thank you for your consideration!

THEY'RE SUCH A CUTIE!! ^^ I'll most likely name them Ki!!! 

-They love spooking people but sometimes they try their best to act friendly so they could get some candy from tricker treaters ^^ 

-They squeak like a dog toy, don't ask why.. 

-They love candy that if you left and bowl of candy, the whole bowl will be gone,, disappeared!! 

- Also, they love stealing pet beds from people to sleep on :]

A headcanon for this fella!!

She loves picking wheat & pretending she's a cowboy (or cow girl) ^^