


5 months, 27 days ago


I was hoping and I was searching endlessly.


Carnationpaw is a ghost who is unaware he's dead; having been deceased for over 100 moons. He tends to wander the deepest caverns, haunting them day in and day out looking for an escape that never comes. Carnationpaw’s almost in a time-loop, doomed to repeat the same action that led to his death. He is unable to pass onto starclan…and probably never will.

Carnationpaw is very soft spoken and doesn't have the best communication skills due to his time alone. It may take him a lot to end up talking or feeling like he's comfortable too. He doesn't like being a bother but enjoys friendships. It feels like lifetimes since he's spoken to another's not sure how to.

Rock falls
Whites in eyes are black when dead.
Despite being a ghost, can't pass through walls.
Being named after flowers is a family tradition


Is it so strange to be alone?

Alive (CW; Talk of prolonged death)

From birth his mother Camelliabloom was sick which eventually spread to her three kits. Heatherkit and Hibiscuskit died while Carnationpaw was the only one to survive- making Camelliabloom and his father Crocusdash cherish and dote on him. He was their world and they were his. He considered his mother his best friend most times and often shied away from other apprentices as he grew. Perhaps it was the death of his siblings that made him fear connecting with others.

As it was time to take his trial, Carnationpaw got lost in the caverns. After walking around all day he decided to rest in a small tunnel for a while, wanting to save his energy for the next day. Unfortunately as he curled up to sleep, the tunnel he was in caved-in on itself and trapped Carnationpaw under the rocks. He didn't die straight away, although he did sustain a lot of injuries that made it impossible to dig his way out. That's where the apprentice remained until he died of either starvation or his injuries; crying out in hopes someone would come until it became too unbearable to effort a whimper. All he knew was he hurt and it only got worse each time he'd pass out and wake up. The time and suffering seemed endless. Thinking of his family, Carnationpaw closed his eyes and fell asleep after days of being trapped.

After Death

The next time he opened them, he felt suddenly better. Standing up without effort, breathing without pain and being able to yell so loud that his voice echoed back to him. Whatever happened seemed like a miracle in his disoriented broken mind. Only, the apprentice didn't turn around to see his own body laying under the rubble bloody and starved. He was free and he wanted to get out as quickly as possible.

Time passing for Carnationpaw never felt real. In his own mind, he is still an apprentice trapped in these tunnels. Oneday he will make his way out and be with his family, but his paws only take him down the same path day after day without him even knowing it. He never feels tired anymore…so how can he tell how many days have passed? how many moons and seasons? He used to see so many cats in these caverns, even taking note of new ones that came and went. Now…he never sees cats anymore. He doesn't know where they went.


Moonholder tba


tbaaaaaaaa relationship
