Susy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

paincake Global Rules

Basic rules:

  1. Do not resell adopt more expensive, without additional content (art, animation, whatever). Without this, you can sell the adopt for the same price for which you received or less, traded for something (received for 2 art = traded for 1 or 2 art)
  2. You can do redesigns, just, not beyond recognition. Give the character some kind of dev arch or something
  3. Don't make "twin"-copies, just a similar character is ok, but not "copy–paste"
  4. You can change the character's gender, species, what you want
  5. DON'T EDIT MY ART. If you want to make a version with a transparent/different color background, a pagedoll or something like that, then warn me about it, otherwise, you may be blocked
  6. Do not give my adopts to people who are on my blacklist
  7. Yes, you can pay/receive as a gift/ anything for another person, as long as they is not on my blacklist

Here are the full rules and a blacklist