Flofser's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

SolunaSilver Global Rules

Unless directly stated otherwise, NONE of these characters are up for trade/adopt. I prefer if you don't offer on them.

If you do get your hands on one of my guys:

-Anything listed in the description are things/lore bits I'd rather you not change about the character. Anything else is up to you.

-You are allowed to alter/change the designs, as long as the initial design is still recognizable.

-If a character was a warrior cat character or if they're a tbn, you may absolutely change their name. It is allowed otherwise, though it's not nearly as encouraged

-You may use these guys for personal projects and stories and stuff.

-You can retrade my characters, but don't sell them for money unless you paid me money for the character. If you're physically unable to regift or retrade my characters please let me know.

-Don't use my designs for anything gross like hate speech or proshipper stuff.

-Don't use my designs for nsfw stuff in general.

-Do NOT under ANY circumstance use my designs and especially my art for nfts/crypto/whatever the fuck.