Oasis | Esk 5512 🌱🌱🌱




origin abnormal . nature disoriented . boundary deep-sea fissure . size uncertain

species esk . collection MYO . designer EvangelineEvee (art by FizzGryphon)

uncommon traits tail-tip marking, bold markings, cropped tail

rare traits flexible tail, bright eyes, glowing markings

nature features lead ore

mutations translucent body, animal traits (fins, antennae), size-shift (whole body), shape-shift (nature features), floating nature features, cracked body, hollow body

original form sea angel corpse

elementals magma

ownership Alphabaetafish

✔️ can gift, swap (esk only)

❌ cannot trade (non-esk), resell

owner history

created via transformation by LavenderAbyss for EvangelineEvee
EvangelineEvee traded (TF) to Alphabaetafish

Esk are a closed species created and owned by witherlings