Lucas Barnes



9 years, 6 months ago


Name :: Lucas Barnes

Sex :: Male

Gender :: Male

Age :: 33 y/o 

Height :: 1.88 m / 6.2 feet 

Preference :: Pansexual

Status :: Taken ( by Harvey and JP )

Superhero Name :: Sorcerer

Power set :: Shadow creation and manipulation, reality manipulation, life absobrtion and a pair of purple wings

Nationality :: Scottish / Portuguese 

Family :: Gerard James Barnes (father), Eleanor Barnes (mother), Laurie (sister), (another sis I can't remember her name), Gerry Benjamin Barnes (brother), Harvey (husband) and Cindy (daughter). 


  • Powers ::   When using his powers, his hands tend to get a purple glow to them, mind you, this is mostly for show, he does like to be flashy. 
  • - Reality Manipulation :: Mostly uses it for the little things, like turning a fork into a spoon because he needs one, or a spoon into a corgi for a friend, he can also do great feats of changing the world around him, the greater the display the more energy it takes, however, coming down to draining his own life. He has shown to be rather reckless, tho, having a better control over it than he did before, he has almost gotten himself killed turning a friend into a dragon during a mission. (edited)
  • [7:11 PM]
    - Life Drain :: Like a vampire, but without the bite, unless you're into it, he can drain a target's life with a touch of his hand, the same way he can transfer some of his over to someone else, at the same cost, of course. He doesn't use it too often unless he has little choice, mostly paired along with his ability to manipulate reality or to drain the life of a really big and dangerous opponent. (edited)
  • [7:15 PM]
    - Shadow Creation and Manipulation :: This one is his favourite and the one he uses the most, makes for a great almost sneaky entrance and great to show off too, paired with some words in latin he had memorized, well, is not hard to make it be flashy. Just like the name suggests, Sorcerer is capable of creating shadows, be it to hide, or perhaps even to trap someone in them, create tendrils to grab them, and stuff like that.