
Name Zippertail

Former Names  Tails

Gender AFAB Demiboy (he/zi/yi/vul)

Orientation Panromantic Grayace

Apprentice Puffinpaw

Rank Nighthunter Warrior

Residence Shadowclan


Zippertail is a red mackerel tabby tomcat with low white and bright azure eyes.

His fur tends to be quite messy, with leaves and twigs sticking out of it most of the time.

Design notes
  • His stripes are very squiggly!
  • His fur tends to be very messy most of the time.

Zippertail tends to be quite the timid little guy. As the resident tinkerer of ShadowClan, he tends to build his own little inventions out of sticks, leaves, vines, rocks, and other items he can get his paws on. He is very curious and loves to learn and explore new things. He is quite witty, often finding ways to amuse the cats around him. Zippertail is also very creative and enjoys making new things and showing off his creative skills.

Zippertail can be quite clumsy. But, when he does take a tumble, he usually laughs it off and keeps going. His reckless nature makes him susceptible to accidents and can often make decisions without thinking them through first. He can be quite playful, enjoying to play games with others, still kit-like at heart since he was forced to “grow up” at such a young age.

  • Inventing
  • Playing Games
  • Making new friends
  • Boredom
  • Serious cats
  • Strangers











Herb Knowledge






Faith in StarClan


Tails was born as a kittypet to Marmalade, alongside his littermates. Once he was old enough, he was adopted by a seemingly loving family. They named him Tails after the beloved character from the Sonic series. However, one day when he was only a few moons old, his family all disappeared. He waited for them impatiently, hoping they would come home. However, he was found by one of his kittypet friends, who helped him escape the house.

Tails lived the next few moons of his life as a loner, wandering the streets alongside his friend, making new friends and enemies along the way. He was given the nickname “Zipper” during this time due to how quickly he can zip up trees. After wandering, he came across ShadowClan territory at apprentice age. He decided on a whim to join the Clan, in need of a place to call home. He was given the name Zipperpaw and began training under Wolfwhisper. He started following Wolfwhisper’s sister Bonedust around and Bonedust eventually decided to adopt young Zipperpaw alongside Vastomen, who became a sibling figure for Zipper as well. He quickly picked up the hobby of tinkering, having fun making his own little inventions. He eventually became a warrior, given the name Zippertail.

Zippertail continued life as a nighthunter warrior, helping former RiverClan cat Dahliaflame join ShadowClan and befriending more cats as time went on, even reuniting with one of his loner friends, Ambercreek, who had joined RiverClan. Zippertail eventually dated a ThunderClan cat named Stonefrost, but after a while, they decided they were better off as just friends, ending on good terms. One day, a young kit named Charlie was taken into ShadowClan. Zippertail quickly became an uncle figure to her, and his sister figure Oleandersnare like a mother to her. Later, he met ThunderClan warrior Duckfeather and started a relationship with her. He was soon given his first apprentice, Puffinpaw.


  • Zipper — named due to how speedy he zips up trees
  • tail — for his big fluffy tail and a nod to his kittypet name.
  • He is a mama’s boy by heart! He loves his adoptive mother, Bonedust, deeply.
  • He was given the nickname “Zipzap” by Martencharm, his tinkering apprentice!
  • Zippertail is neurodivergent, with both autism and ADHD.
  • Any lucky young apprentice who is trained by him would also be trained to tinker!

Adoptive Mother

”Thank you for taking good care of me!”

Zippertail loves his adoptive mother, Bonedust, who raised him when he was a young apprentice. He would do anything for her.

Adoptive Sibling

Zippertail loves his adoptive sibling, Vastomen. The two can be quite different at times, but they always get along well. To him, Vastomen is no different than a biological sibling.


Duckfeather is Zippertail’s girlfriend from ThunderClan, who he loves deeply. The two grew close fast. They started off as friends, but after many meetings at the border, their friendship became something more.

Adoptive Niece

Chanterellefall is Zippertail’s adoptive niece, helping raise her when she was a kit. They do not talk as often ever since Chanterellefall became a warrior, but he loves him deeply and is always keeping his eyes out for him.

Sister Figure

Oleandersnare is a sister figure to Zippertail, befriending him when he was new to the Clan and helped him adjust to Clan life.


Puffinpaw is Zippertail’s apprentice. Zippertail is impressed by his apprentice’s progress and he sees a lot of himself in the fawn apprentice. He hopes to continue to teach him new things even after he becomes a warrior.

Close Friend

Ambercreek was a friend that Zippertail made when he was a young loner. He was worried he would never see him again, especially after joining ShadowClan, but later he was pleased to see Ambercreek as a RiverClan cat. They get along well, but they do not have many opportunities to chat.

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