


7 months, 2 days ago


Name Silverpounce

Former Names Silverkit

Gender she-cat | she/her

Orientation Unlabled

Mentor N/A

Rank Loner

Residence The Forgotten Few

Theme content


Silverpounce is an athletic and slender she-cat with delicate markings and soft fur. She is a medium-sized cat with a slender build, but she appears larger than she is due to the thick coat of dense and fluffy fur covering her body. Her fur is a mixed pattern of golden-brown tabby with darker flecks and spots, and she has a thick tail and long legs with powerful paws. She often carries herself with a sense of dignity and pride, and her eyes are a piercing and intense green.

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Silverpounce is one of the sweetest, gentlest cats in the Rogue group. She has a kind and caring heart, and she is always looking out for the well-being of others. She has a soft and calming presence, and her gentle demeanor helps to soothe Nightstar's wounds. Silverpounce is easy to talk to, and she has a way of making others feel at ease. In her quiet and compassionate way, she helps Nightstar to open up and let go of the past that had been weighing him down. She brings out a softer, more tender side in Nightstar.

Silverpounce is a strong and independent cat who is known for her resilience and determination. She isn't afraid to speak up and be the voice for those who can't defend themselves, and she will do whatever it takes to protect the cats she cares about. She is also very observant and quick-witted, making her a formidable fighter and negotiator during conflicts. She cares deeply about the cats around her and will fight fiercely to protect them. She often puts others needs before her own.

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Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

When Silverpounce was just an apprentice, she had a close and loving relationship with her parents and with her Clan. However, when she was just an apprentice, her Clan encountered a bitter and prolonged war with another Clan over territory disputes. During this war, she lost not only her parents but many friends and kin as well. The violence and destruction of the war left her deeply traumatized and with a lot of grief to process, and it ultimately pushed her to give up her Clan and strike out on her own as a Rogue.

Silverpounce was born into a loving family, but tragically, she lost her clan and parents at a young age, leaving her alone in the world. As a kitten, she had to rely on her own wits and agility to survive, which made her more resilient and independent. She soon found herself joining a group of rogue cats who welcomed her into their small community. Despite her losses, Silverpounce remained kind and gentle, and she grew to be a well-liked member of the group, helping to lift spirits and bring the group together. Silverpounce had found some semblance of hope and peace while living among the Rogues. However, one day while hunting with her friends, they were suddenly attacked by a clan group. During the chaos of the attack, Silverpounce was separated from the Rogue group and was forced to fight for her life alone. She was deeply traumatized by the event, and for a long time, she was scared and distrustful of other cats, even those who had once been her close friends. She had to work hard to rebuild her confidence and trust again, and to move on from the horrors she had witnessed.

As time passed and the Rogue group worked to move on from the attack, Silverpounce gradually began to open up and trust them again. She found comfort and support from them, and she started to realize that she didn't have to face her demons alone.

With a renewed sense of strength and purpose, Silverpounce started to focus on helping others, whether it be those in the Rogue group or stray and alone cats in the area. She still carries the scars from both her tragic past and the recent attack, but she has learned a lot from both experiences and has grown into a compassionate and strong-willed cat.

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Relation, †

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua


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