Cazzie Roveri-Liander



5 years, 10 months ago


tumblr_m2vlzsp0W11qdlkyg.gifCazzie Roveri-LiandERtumblr_m2vlzsp0W11qdlkyg.gif

He/him • 42681353_EwKt8zK23m077XN.png • Human • 16
High school student


Bleeding heart tortured romantic. Edgy ass depressed boy representation. One of the yearniest young men you'll ever meet. Not dedicated enough to be emo but he's in the right headspace to receive mcr or something I feel.. Sad boy hours are nightly and almost a religious experience tbh...

Cazzie is very closed off and it takes a lot of effort on everyone's parts to show his emotions or any kind of vulnerability. He hides behind a mask of heavy sarcasm and aloofness. An outside perspective might think Cazzie doesn't care enough about the world to have an opinion on it, or, even less accurately, they might think he hates it, but neither could be less true. Despite his pessimism, he tries to romanticize the world around him, and he expresses himself this way through his writing- sappy poetry, half-finished stories, he's even dabbled in song lyrics. He has a lot of thoughts and feelings about romance, but he doesn't believe in his ability to have that for himself, so he feels he has to act like he doesn't give a shit. Cazzie often finds himself getting into trouble or lashing out in some desperate attempt to feel seen. Or just because he's not fond of authority figures. Or both. He's very cynical and has a lot of issues he needs to work out, troubled teenage boy style.

He basically got adopted by his friend group and he would do anything for them. He's very caring and loyal, even though that's kind of embarrassing for him.

❤ Music, writing, books and poetry, romcoms
✖ tbaaaa

