Basic Info


Felicity The Porcelain Doll


5'3 ft / 1.60 m




Fazbear Entertainment, Inc.[Current] Anderson Robotic's Co. [Previous]

Bot Series Type:

Toybox Animatronic


Humanoid [Doll-like]


Childcare Worker, Mascot of The Toybox



Felicity used to be part of another company and was nothing more than a project along with her fellow animatronic's. They were an experiment of sorts with advanced AI that evolves the more they interact with the world around them. Which allows for their A.I to become self aware and have their own set of personalities. No two Anderson Robotic's animatronic's are ever alike. What Felicity did prior to Fazbear's Wonderland is currently unknown.

At some point Anderson Robotic's Co. filed for bankruptcy and the owner sold his beloved robots over to Fazbear Entertainment as the current owner of the company decided to buy out the animatronics Anderson Co. had created. Now Felicity works in Fazbear's Wonderland where they spend their time in their own section called "The Toy Box".


Felicity is a quiet and typically shy animatronic but is very friendly. The most docile of the group for sure unless someone is a threat to any of the children that are in the area. They can be seen in The Doll House reading stories most of the time or wandering about the toybox making sure things are in order. Though....Felicity does have a habit of roaming to places she shouldn't..


  • Their design is based off of porcelain dolls.
  • Felicity seems to get along with almost everyone...except for one employee in the building. According to them he has "A Bad Energy".
  • Felicity has a built in music box that plays during story time!