



uncommon crystals
uncommon nose shape
uncommon tongue shape
uncommon tail kink
common fangs
common claws
common basic jewel
common single jewel color
nr expression
blue jewel color -- power of water

Chewy is a pretty independent little kit; one who bottles his feelings up inside and plasters a grin on his face to make everyone else think he's OK. He doesn't want your help. He doesn't want your pitty. His parents are dead and no number of tears will bring them back! The only person in the world he'll let his guard down around is his sibling, who shares his pain to its deepest depths. They confide in one another and support each other during the nights, which are loneliest, and during the day they do their best to forge ahead and build a new future for themselves. Currently they're wheeling, deeling, doing odd-jobs and stockpiling all the stuff they can get their paws on, in the hopes of raising enough capital to get the heck out of dodge. The future is brighter around the next bend in the path! Besides. Despite all Chewy's bluster and big thinking he IS just a kit, and he doesn't want to lose his sibling to the curse too... he's scared. Without their cheerful joking and powerful optimism to keep him going every day, Chewy doesn't know where he'd be. (Sibling in question owned by Nome Senpai)