Cheri 路馃崚路 ENG



7 months, 9 days ago


Name Cheri
Nickname/s Chebi, Pinkiboi, Churro/Churrito.
Gender. Trans. (he/him)
Age 18. (12/12)
Orientation Gay/Demisexual.
Origin Texas, USA.
Occupation Waiter.
Residence Puerto Gaviota. (Fictional place)
Half of my heart it's in your chest.

He has always been a quiet and closed boy, innocent, like a little child. He's a great dreamer, a very loving, creative and intelligent person. He used to be quite insecure and anxious, but thanks to his therapies he has been able to improve in this, becoming someone more confident and capable of helping others as his psychologist has helped him.

He's a really loving person, he always gives gifts to the people he loves and shows his affection without any shame. Appreciate everything and try to stay calm in any situation

  • Vocaloid.
  • Paint.
  • Knitting.
  • Lego sets.
  • Fruits and sweets.
  • Loud noises.
  • Spicy food.
  • Violent people.
  • Religious topics.
  • Spiders.

. . .

He's the second child in a small family, there being only two children and their parents. Life in that house was always distressing, his mother was a demented believer, as she used her beliefs to forgive all her actions, to allow herself to do harm without remorse; his father on the other hand was an aggressive, violent and strict person.

Growing up in that environment was completely harmful, they couldn't even get help because people in the nearby neighborhood were caught up in the same beliefs. Their mother used to hurt them as she prepared them for their ascent to heaven, cutting up their bodies, giving them poor food, trying to kill them multiple times... luckily their father stopped her most of the time, but they were not saved from him either. Their father was a hunter, a hunter who always took his children with him to kill defenseless animals, torture them... and if they did not comply with the "family activity", dad punished them.

Despite both physical and mental abuse, the children were able to receive their moments of tranquility, they had fixed schedules, specific hours in which they could be outside, schedules that they could not break for anything. Cheri used to be near a lake drawing, sometimes he tried to play with other children, but fear got the better of him; His brother was always there to accompany him, he was afraid that something would happen to him if he left, so it was always just the two of them.

Things changed a little when they met Carla, she was their angel from that moment on, because she was kind to them and always tried to share her affection with them, something really special for the brothers, especially for the youngest. Cheri had found motivation in the Colombian, a best friend, but despite that love and good times, things at home only got worse. The parents relationship became more unstable, as the man could not stand his wife's madness, thus making physical violence more recurrent and worse at home.

Finally one day it all ends... the mother had a psychotic attack, trying to murder her family, but that mission was actually the father's. The man murdered the woman, stabbing her while her children watched the scene and then ran to hide, and after struggling when they were found, they both fled from there to the nearest house, receiving help and finally escaping from that nightmare.

Cheri was adopted by Carla's family, who gave him the home he deserved, saying goodbye to his brother who was taken to another place to seriously treat his traumas.

. . .

His new family had moved from that town to start a new life; Cheri was homeschooled due to his instability and fear of unfamiliar environments, and he also received therapy with one of the best psychologists. A great change was noticeable in his life, he now had two friends who always came to visit him, a loving and attentive family that helped him grow properly, a loving sister with whom he could laugh without fear, even a small dog that he took for a walk with Carla every morning.

Over time he also understood something that helped him continue to grow personally, it was his gender identity... he had seen himself as a boy all this time, but he never knew that that was "not normal" until he have met more people. His family supported him as much as they could, they went shopping with him, and even if they didn't understand the subject very well, they did their best so that Cheri could live happily in his own body.

. . .

Currently he lives much better, both mentally and in other aspects; He maintains a part-time job with his best friends, and also takes courses several days a week.

He enjoys knitting beautiful things that he then sells online, or sometimes even at art events, where he also exhibits his paintings. He lives with his sister in the same neighborhood, his adoptive parents decided to return to Colombia and sometimes visit their children; Cheri occasionally visits his biological brother, Rowan, who recently moved to the same island.


Mini playlist
  • Mama's boy 馃幍 Dominic Fike
  • Rises the moon 馃幍 Liana Flores
  • You & the things you do 馃幍 Fever blanket
  • He was diagnosed with autism, dyslexia and ADD.
  • Sometimes he bites as a sign of affection.
  • He usually buys Lego sets from Sanrio and puts them together with Alec.
  • In addition to knitting and painting, he also tends to photograph as a hobby.
code by jiko