Cyberpunk Cyrus



Cyrus Hathaway


Tech lord • CEO • Model

Name Cyrus Hathaway
Called "The Angel of Death" , "Haven's pride"
Pronouns + Sexuality He/Him, Bi
Age 24 - 27
Height 6'3" (190cm)
Ethnicity Wasian (White, Korean)
Role CEO of Hathaway Industries, Vigilante
Demeanor Snarky, Smug, Confident, Flirty
HTML Pinky

Cyrus Hathaway is a force to be reckoned with. Becoming an overnight sensation for an ingenious design at just 16, he’s now referred to as the “wealthiest man alive” and competes with the very top in the tech industry. His influence is large, and despite his position, he uses his privilege to break the status quo and administer his own version of “justice”.

He owns one of the biggest tech companies in the world (Hathaway Industries), and runs a casino. Though it looks like the one of the most popular casinos in Haven for its owner on the surface, it acts as a sort of cover for the sketchy things that happen in its walls. Some people never leave- awful people never leave.

He runs something called the "Butterfly Protocol'', which saves hundreds to thousands of people each year. It gives "freedom back to those who have had their wings clipped", as Cyrus puts it. "Simply ask for help, and it will be given to you." He's dedicated his life to stopping blatant abuse in most industries, giving victims a second chance, and dealing with the abusers when the authorities refuse to. Under the guise of a smug, sarcastic businessman (and model) with stunning persuasion skills (and beauty), Cyrus runs his underground systems.

But when asked about the Butterfly Protocol, what it entails, the amount of victims he's saved or the various rumors of missing cases surrounding his casino, Cyrus will simply smile and say he doesn't know of any missing cases.

Nobody wants to cross Cyrus Hathaway. The "Angel of Death". Lest their body be found in a gutter behind the casino, another addition to the rumors and nothing more than a stain on his marble flooring.

Physical Strength


  • Wine (especially red)
  • Cleanliness
  • His work
  • Assholes getting what they deserve
  • Making himself look pretty


  • The majority of the system, stuck up Tech Lords and corpos
  • Brutes
  • Being called "doll"
  • When people have their limbs replaced for power (it's a small ick)


Cyrus grew up in an era and epidemic of faulty tech- and despite many people's beliefs, he did not grow up wealthy. Living in a district of Haven heavily influenced by a Tech Lord who only goes by "X", his family and people around him felt the effects of that influence on their lives. Cyrus grew up with his father, as his mother died from an illness when he was young. His father ran a business from their scuffed garage- a repairs (and design) shop, Hathaway and Sons. Though they made and repaired motorcycles for a living, they didn't refuse the occasional cyberware. It was a humble business, and a humble beginning. Cyrus's father taught him everything he now knows, letting him help on repairs and jobs from a young age. The work was tough, but fun, and even though the pay wasn't great, they made it work. But years ago, Cyrus's father suffered in a deadly accident, which made him have to replace 3 of his limbs with cyberware. From X's company, of course. He was fine for a few years, but just like anyone, the tech started to break down and become unreliable. What little pay they were making went towards repairs for his father's tech, only for the prosthetics to break down months later once again. Repairs were expensive, and they could not afford them.

Cyrus was a gifted kid, picking things up easily and doing well in school without much effort. Though he was a natural at the tech-y side of things, he wasn't when it came to his social life. Cyrus was the token quiet kid in his school, bullied for inconsequential things and his inability to make friends. And, being called a nerd for his facination and special intrest in tech and cyberware. Or fight back- he'd deflate and take insults and punches and never having the physical strength enough to retaliate. His best friend was his father- and the days he had to stay home from school made him full of joy. As the years went by, Cyrus did more and more of the work in their repair shop, as the faulty tech embedded in his father started to take a toll on his health. Things were bleak- but his father made them not seem so. Always cheery, and always listening to his son's rambling and being so proud of him always. Cyrus only got better at his repairs- which accumulated in his father offering for Cyrus to try his hand at repairing the tech on his body. Though hesitant at first, his father convinced him to try- and of course, Cyrus was a natural. His father couldn't have been prouder. He always knew he had it in him to do great things.

Rise to Fame

Now with repairs settled and his father's health (mostly) stable, their funds and income could go elsewhere. Cyrus learned quickly, and just in months, he was practically as good as the repairs they were paying thousands of dollars for. With those no longer needed, Cyrus's father started saving for something else. On Cyrus's 15th birthday, he gifted him a mini workshop of his own- with its own holographic screens and everything. Cyrus, overjoyed (as this had just validated one of the only things that brought him true joy in life), was now able to play with blueprints and mix and match parts to create his own hypothetical designs. And by the time he was almost 16, he had made his own design of a cyber arm- one that prioritized health and safety over else, and was supposed to be long lasting. Though Cyrus made this design for himself and was simply playing around with things, with no way to really make said arm- his father thought it was better than most "safe" cyber arms out there, that were way too expensive.

As Cyrus's father tried to get his son's creation out there, it was noticed by a rather rich businessman, who genuinely thought that his design was genius and wanted to help Cyrus release it. Overjoyed, they took this help- but much to the businessman's dismay, Cyrus refused to release it unless it was somewhat accessible to people like his father and him. Though Cyrus was just 16 at this point, his design was too brilliant to be left untouched, and after some back and forth, it finally happened. With some help, it was out there- an ingenious design from a mere genius 16 year old with no industry experience.

The arm, and by extension, Cyrus, became an overnight sensation. Turns out, Cyrus released something people desperately needed- when they needed it. And the fact that he was merely 16 and came up with something that competed with even the most high end brands and products- it had never been seen before. It skyrocketed him to fame, everyone wanting to know every detail of this mere, but genius, 16 year old. Cyrus went from being a distant and awkward kid, to having to face so many new prying eyes and people and practically the whole city. They loved him. And much to his own surprise, Cyrus's confidence skyrocketed alongside his fame, all this sudden love and adoration going straight to his head. Cyrus Hathaway, the genius and brilliant kid, was the talk of the week, month- even year- throughout the entire city of Haven. Everyone knew him or had at least heard of him- and practically overnight, Cyrus and his father had more money than they knew what to do with. Cyrus could hardly believe it. The whole city had their eyes on him, and they had enough money to really fix up his father. It was some of the most stressful, but happiest moments of Cyrus's life.

New Power


The Butterfly Project


  • Affectionately calls people "darling" <3 (but its not always affectionate lmao)
  • Closest thing I have to a faceclaim for him is something between Park Seonghwa from ATEEZ and Felix from Stray Kids.
  • Pinterest

  • Playlist

  • Though he is a businessman, Cyrus is also a model in the fashion and advertising sense. He's modeled clothing, jewelry, and has modeled for various different makeup, perfume, and other beauty product brands. Frankly, even if someone isn't involved in anything cyber-ware related, it's near impossible to have never heard of Cyrus Hathaway.
  • On a similar note, Cyrus is practically a celebrity. Other tech lords are known by their street names (or names) alone, and rarely by their face. Some elusive ones can often go into public without being recognized. Cyrus, on the other hand, has one of the most recognizable faces in all of Haven. As such he's one of the most recognizable tech lords, and one of the most beloved. He caters towards the people.
  • His guilty pleasure is a pan cookie with vanilla ice cream on top. He will fr hardly tell anyone that it's his favourite dessert.
  • Cyrus has appeared on multiple talk shows, podcasts, interviews and the like, and is just as charismatic and mysterious there as he is in person. He's amazing at masking discomfort and his true feelings, making it easy to dodge unsavory questions.
  • He is often asked if his body is natural or surgically altered in interviews and the like. Whenever he's asked something like this, he smiles and tells the interviewer that they can find out themselves if they like by staying behind after one of his shows <3 (He NEVER answers questions like these and always finds interesting ways to dodge them) (The answer is no, his body is natural ).
  • Bro is the king of press fr. His insane poker face and his businessman confidence make it hard for anyone to doubt the grin on his face. This also makes him very persuasive. He very rarely lets anyone know how he's truly feeling, that's reserved for those closest to him, where he can easily be himself.
  • On a similar note, bro is lowkey the brand. He is the marketing. Because he's so out there and has achieved celebrity status, Hathaway Industries is synonymous with Cyrus's face and demeanor.
  • Advertising for cyberware from Hathaway Industries tends to focus a lot on the safety and stability of the product, as well as the "real" sensations the wearer will receive from the piece of tech. Cyrus and his team are lowkey marketing geniuses, and his advertisements are always unique and eye catching and often contain very clever visuals.
  • Please don't ever call him "doll." His poker face will never show how much it disturbs him, but his sneer gets worse and he suddenly becomes veryyyy condescending. It's like the one pet name the irks him sooo bad he cant handle it, makes him want to crawl out of his own skin.
  • Cyrus is also a dancer! He has his own personal shows (that do include pole dancing sometimes) and they are truly a sight to behold. He has impeccable balance and flexibility.
  • He's been brought onto dance crews for concerts and other things of that nature before. Imagine the shock of the crowd when they realize the one and only Cyrus Hathaway is casually dancing with the crew on stage. Like I said, it's near impossible to have never heard of him.
  • Surprisingly, he's also quite a good singer.
  • He has a lean kind of build with long legs, with a higher waist which gives him a sort of feminine hourglass build. He owns this femininity, and leans into it quite heavily (clearly). But don't think this makes him weak or defenseless- he has a mean kick and can hold up his own weight quite well. He's also able to wield his elusive scythe, which isn't easy for someone who isn't built. The muscle he has is soft, but it is there.
  • He has an extensive self care and skin care routine every night, and will feel frustrated if he doesn't get it done. Routine is very important to him.
  • He wears 3-5 rings on each hand. The rings can act as a sort of "key" around the Casino, and Cyrus's close friends each have a ring each for easy access. The rings they have are linked to their face and name, so it's not like just anyone can use them.
  • He always wears some kind of heeled boots. Whether that’s a half inch to 2-3.
  • The cyber wings he wears, akin to angel wings (that he designed), means he has implants in his back. Though the wings are detachable, the implants are not- but in an odd way, they add a beauty to his back. He's worn backless dresses before to show off these implants and wear his wings easier <3
  • When he's got a link device and wings attached, as well as his scythe activated, his eyes glow blue. When they're all linked, his eyes, and then parts of his scythe, wings and clothes glow blue, and he is truly a sight in the dark. When there's proper space, he fights with his scythe while using his wings to gain height and deliver stronger blows or kicks.
  • As an add on, when he fights with his scythe and wings, it looks like an elegant dance. Smooth arcs and cuts and a smile on his face. He keeps his enemies distant, only bringing them closer to swing with his scythe or deliver a dangerous kick. Yes he has a gun on him, but he thinks gun fights aren't fun.
  • He takes personal pleasure in killing the absolute heinous members of society, ones he deems are a waste of air. He's not called the "Angel of Death'' or "The Angel" for nothing.

Alexander Harlow

He's good friends with the "top ranked vigilante", Alex. After helping him through tough times and grief, Cyrus's casino is a safe spot for Alex, and he's always welcome. This is often quite the shock to people, but the truth is, Cyrus knew Alex before he even became a "vigilante" per say, and has always just wanted to help him. He's the one that saved his life, after all. If it wasn't for Cyrus, Alex would have given up years ago. And yes, Cyrus often gives him tips for his arson sprees and jobs and quietly supports his movement. The two are often seen having a laugh or sharing drinks, and Cyrus was the one to introduce Alex to Fletcher and Carter. Cyrus's over confident and shameless behavior does sometimes stun Alex, but he's grown to accept it, even though Cyrus likes to mess with him on purpose. Alex's cybernetic arm was designed and given to him by Cyrus himself, paid via a favor yet to be checked in after a horrific accident- in which Cyrus saved Alex's life. Though they are very close friends, Cyrus holds a type of axe over Alex's head with that favor, and Alex dreads the day Cyrus asks him to fulfill it.


Carter Richardson

Cyrus respects Captain Richardson quite a bit, and respect from Cyrus is hard to earn. This respect is what protected Fletcher from death when Cyrus found out what he used to do, as Fletcher is Carter's first mate. Cyrus has known Carter for quite some time and watched him assemble his crew, only to then sign a contract with said crew months later. Despite their clashing personalities and Carter's desire to have everything in order, they get along quite well and Cyrus would even consider him close. Even though Cyrus's demeanor (especially the way he sits and is so flashy with his attitude and choice of clothing) can disturb Carter. Cyrus often underestimates him though, as Carter seems like just Some Guy until you get to know him. He's one of the few people that can order Cyrus around without receiving a death sentence. They're often seen just talking (sometimes over drinks) or discussing the Reynardine's next heist. Or, talking about quarrels with Fletcher. Cyrus is kind of their wingman ngl :) He knew Carter had a thing for Fletcher before Carter even realized it himself and was actively in denial. Fletcher's attitude also made it painfully obvious for him. Cyrus was rooting for them the whole time.


Fletcher Torres

Fletcher and Cyrus have a very complicated relationship. Fletcher is a prime example of the type of person Cyrus would trap in the casino and later dispose of. As such, Cyrus is actively breaking his moral code to keep him alive-- but he does so because he respects the crew he's a part of, and because Fletcher is fun to mess with. Even though Fletcher has tried to kill Cyrus in his own domain not once, but twice, Cyrus got his revenge and Fletcher has never tried an attempt on him again. Fletcher was the attack dog for someone who's essentially Cyrus's nemesis, one that has caused lots of trouble. But, Cyrus believes in second chances, and there seems to be more to the crimes Fletcher has committed. What started as blackmail, heavy threats of murder and horrible tension (and awful, obscene flirting and comments about each other), evolved into a begrudging friendship as Fletcher slowly started to redeem himself. Not without sparing the constant comparisons Cyrus makes between Fletcher and a mutt.


Lyra Jackson

Lyra is someone who was "freed" by the Butterfly Protocol, now living her best life and thriving with her "second chance". Though Cyrus insisted she didn't have to have any ties to him, she got a job as a servant for the Casino, and found ways to stay connected with Cyrus. Cyrus was intrigued by her by default, seeing that there was just so much more to her hiding behind those eyes. Cyrus and Aria allowed her to flourish and regain her confidence, while Cyrus and Lyra found themselves getting closer and closer as time went on. Cyrus stopped putting on a facade around her, revealing a side of him that hardly anyone gets to see. Lyra and Cyrus simply clicked, and got along perfectly. Their energies matched and their flirtatious comments bounced off one another. This all accumulated in Cyrus accidently ranting and infodumping to Lyra, feeling so comfortable to the point of fully unmasking. When he caught himself, he shamefully apologized and was embarrassed. When Lyra told him not to be sorry, and that it was cute, that was the first time she saw the Cyrus Hathaway flustered and blushing and unable to get words out. The two are now dating in an open relationship, and they are the hottest bi4bi power couple ever. Lyra is one of the only people Cyrus feels like he can be unapologetically himself with, and she accommodates for his need to stick to schedule, and other things that people don't often see from him. They're just happy and comfortable around each other, and accept each other fully. They're adorable behind closed doors, but in public-- when they walk into a room together, jaws drop from the sheer slaying energy the two serve. Nobody can tell if they want both of them or be either of them.


Isaac Ramirez

Naturally, Cyrus has many sponsors- people that genuinely support his ideas and what he stands for. None stand out as much as Isaac, though, being his top sponsor and all. Isaac became an avid supporter and a friend to Cyrus in the earlier years of Cyrus's fame, around the construction of the Casino. Cyrus doesn't ask much of his sponsors, more so support and intel rather than financial aid. Isaac provides all simply because he's all for Cyrus's cause. He works as a sort of hitman/bodyguard, taking jobs from all over the city, and so always has a story to tell. A good chunk of the cyber modifications that he wears are from Cyrus himself, and Cyrus is always looking to aid him in any way, more so as a friend than as a business transaction. The two are genuine friends and Cyrus is easily the closest with him compared to any other sponsor of his. Isaac is also one of the only people who's able to fluster Cyrus enough into breaking his flashy attitude (and Isaac is ungodly Cyrus's type in men, which makes it even easier). And boy does Isaac love seeing his mask slip when he towers over the Angel of Death with his yellow eyes, who's been reduced to a wide-eyed semi blushing mess <3 Both Lyra and Cyrus think Isaac is hot as hell and often gossip about him, mutually entranced.


Aria Galowych

Cyrus is absolute BESTIES with Aria. They genuinely get along so well, and are often seen catching up in some bar and gossiping while laughing their asses off. They play flirt a lot, too. Despite how deranged and unpredictable Aria can be to others, Cyrus would trust her with his life (given that she's, yknow, a member of the Watch). Seeing as their ideals and views match and go hand in hand, they work together, and Cyrus lets her stay in the Casino free of charge to run her schemes. And hey, sometimes he even points her in the right direction of her next target. Cyrus is also one of the only people who doesn't seem disturbed by Aria's antics and treatment of targets, and in fact, often encourages it. She disposes of targets from the Butterfly Protocol as a member of the Watch, and Cyrus helps her out with her dangerous tech (as well as providing a base of operations for her, as good luck trying to get to someone in the Angel of Death's domain if he doesn't want you to<3) Given how close they are, though, and how up in their personal spaces they can be, many assume at first glance that the two are dating. If brought up around them, though, they will look at each other and then start absolutely rolling with laughter. They both have girlfriends, try again next time, sweetie <3 When Carter and Fletcher were bickering and clearly into each other, Cyrus would often bring in Aria to watch their tension on security footage while rolling on the floor with laughter. They're both just really silly and match each others (violent and gay) energy (freak)<3