


5 years, 10 months ago


In everything she does, Noir is calm and collected. Outwardly, she can seem very passive, as she tends to speak soft and curtly, and has a generally slow way of moving. Noir is incapable of losing her cool. She can feel irritated or angry, but she shows no signs of it physically or otherwise. She never gets flustered, or sweats, and she never raises her voice above her regular volume.

However, Noir is very condescending and critical of people. She tends to view others as being below her, and can be patronizing, calling people ‘sweetie’, or ‘darling’ in a condescending manner. She also loves to point out people’s physical flaws, and in some cases, can even bully girls who she finds unattractive. She completely revels in making other people feel inadequate, and will often toy with people and flirt with them for a while before shutting them down for her own entertainment.

More than anything, Noir loves being in control. She disapproves of the notions of things like luck and fate, preferring to plan everything she does in advance, and accounting for every possible scenario. Despite this, she tends not to directly get involved in matters. She hates dirtying her hands, and especially doing anything that might incriminate her. Instead, she tries to manipulate people into doing dirty work for her. If she can do this simply by preying on the weak minded, then she will, but she’s not afraid to use her appearance to charm people into doing things for her.