


6 months, 11 days ago



The Leader's Hound

After Isaac saved him as a pup, Esau vowed to devote himself entirely to his leader and has freely pledged his life and loyalty. However, his tenacious faith in Isaac often blinds him to the true nature of his leader. To him, Isaac truly is a god worth veneration.





Early 20's


March 25th




Gray Wolf





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nulla ante, porta et mi ac, pulvinar egestas nulla. Nam sit amet mollis tellus. Pellentesque augue turpis, malesuada id placerat id, dictum in mi. Vestibulum ac ligula eget nisi tempor varius ut sit amet libero. Nam non posuere ipsum. Integer ultricies vestibulum sapien eu accumsan. Donec pellentesque libero et ultricies maximus. Donec nec sapien felis. Nullam nec eleifend nisl, eu commodo nibh. Nunc ullamcorper egestas lorem, non posuere tellus condimentum non. Donec mollis sem eget arcu gravida, non rhoncus lacus condimentum. Praesent posuere sollicitudin facilisis. Aenean sit amet vehicula lacus, eu vulputate massa. Fusce vel quam eget nunc volutpat luctus. Nunc nisi ipsum, viverra at varius sit amet, fringilla sodales neque.


Enhanced Senses—Has a keen sense of smell and sight that he uses often during missions and hunts.

Weapon Mastery—Isaac taught him how to fight with not only his teeth and claws, but with weapons too.

Brute Strength—While he can fight with weapons, he's strong enough to not need them often.

Survivalist—As one of the strongest members of the flock, Esau can survive quite well in the wilderness with his knowledge and strength.

Route: Vengeance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nulla ante, porta et mi ac, pulvinar egestas nulla. Nam sit amet mollis tellus. Pellentesque augue turpis, malesuada id placerat id, dictum in mi. Vestibulum ac ligula eget nisi tempor varius ut sit amet libero. Nam non posuere ipsum. Integer ultricies vestibulum sapien eu accumsan. Donec pellentesque libero et ultricies maximus. Donec nec sapien felis. Nullam nec eleifend nisl, eu commodo nibh. Nunc ullamcorper egestas lorem, non posuere tellus condimentum non. Donec mollis sem eget arcu gravida, non rhoncus lacus condimentum. Praesent posuere sollicitudin facilisis. Aenean sit amet vehicula lacus, eu vulputate massa. Fusce vel quam eget nunc volutpat luctus. Nunc nisi ipsum, viverra at varius sit amet, fringilla sodales neque.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur nulla ante, porta et mi ac, pulvinar egestas nulla. Nam sit amet mollis tellus. Pellentesque augue turpis, malesuada id placerat id, dictum in mi. Vestibulum ac ligula eget nisi tempor varius ut sit amet libero. Nam non posuere ipsum. Integer ultricies vestibulum sapien eu accumsan. Donec pellentesque libero et ultricies maximus. Donec nec sapien felis. Nullam nec eleifend nisl, eu commodo nibh. Nunc ullamcorper egestas lorem, non posuere tellus condimentum non. Donec mollis sem eget arcu gravida, non rhoncus lacus condimentum. Praesent posuere sollicitudin facilisis. Aenean sit amet vehicula lacus, eu vulputate massa. Fusce vel quam eget nunc volutpat luctus. Nunc nisi ipsum, viverra at varius sit amet, fringilla sodales neque.


Frequently followed by wild carrion birds. One raven in particular gives him small trinkets in exchange for scraps from his hunts.
He is overzealous in his faith to Isaac, and will "take care of" those who step out of line.
His social skills are not the best. While he was taught enough to be semi-polite, his behavior can be blunt and offputting.
His favored weapons, when he uses them, are gauntlets.
He is much larger than the average wolf.
He's the only follower allowed to accompany Isaac on crusades.





Small presentation of their relationship.
It can be long if u want but try to keep it short!


Small presentation of their relationship.
It can be long if u want but try to keep it short!

The Fox


Small presentation of their relationship.
It can be long if u want but try to keep it short!