Maude Yuan



7 months, 14 days ago


 Basic Information

Name: Maude Yuan
Gender/Pronouns: tranz man pretending to be a cis girl pretending to be a cis boy. like. really. genuinely. #1920z (he/him ... (but when hez still closeted ) + she/her conditionally)
Age: 19
Orientation: I Started Thinking ABout It And I Think He DOEZ gaf.
Height: 5'5"
Ethnicity: Chinese
D.O.B: April 30th (Taurus)


Overview: Maude is someone who had to - and continues to - carve his own path out of the world. And so he needs everything to mean something; from why he is the way that he is, down to why things turn out the way that they do. But he's not the curious sort. He's just bitter.
Positive Traits: Hardworking, realistic, genuine, expressive
Negative Traits: Petty, stubborn, cynical, strong-willed

 Misc. Information

Likes: tralallala
Dislikes: teehee
Playlist: TBA
Description: A moody newsboy with a penchant for blunt, snarky remarks. A hardworking boy coming from a hardworking father. Apparently, he's been related to some weird rich hermit this whole time. Who knew?