Félicité (Piplup)



13 days, 23 hours ago


✦ PMD: Beyond The Sea ✦


september 25. 2023

✦ General

✦ Name BLANK
✦ Age 00
✦ Gender MALE
✦ DOB FFFF ✦ D00
✦ Nationality FFFF
✦ Pronouns HE / HIM
✦ Species POKEMON #0000 ✦ FFF
✦ Height 5'4" ✦ 00 cm
✦ Sexualtiy Demisexual; taken by ✦ xxxxx ✦
✦ Weight 000 lbs ✦ 000 kg

Special Attack
Special Defense

- so young yet so damaged -

✦ Aesthetic


✦ Personality


  • ✦ Strong Tea
  • ✦ Herbal Bitters
  • ✦ Night Time
  • ✦ Nice Clothing
  • ✦ His Husband


  • ✦ Writing & Reading
  • ✦ Classical History
  • ✦ The Occult
  • ✦ Traveling
  • ✦ Collecting Books


  • ✦ Wasted Time
  • ✦ Loud Noises
  • ✦ Being Interrupted
  • ✦ Foolishness
  • ✦ Lack of Insight

fffff TRAIT fffff TRAIT fffff TRAIT fffff TRAIT fffff TRAIT fffff

✦ History

Early Life




Everything in Between



Present Day




  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • CLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.

✦ Profile

✦ Nature BLANK
✦ Characteristic BLANK
✦ Level BLANK
✦ Ability BLANK

✦ Moveset


Born into wealth and aristocracy, Quinn has a hard time going without certain comforts and luxuries. Luckily he has plenty of coin to spare, and spares no expense to assure necessities and comforts are met for himself and others.


Quinn has an innate curiosity about the universe and ambition for seeking knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately, spending more times with books and has lead to him being incredibly socially awkward.


Understanding theoretical magick and unraveling the mysteries of the universe is the key to solving every problem. He feels obligated to discover and make sense of things that other's can't, in order to better educate future generations.


Quinn struggles with hyperfocus a great deal, which leads to not only being shortsighted at times, but often overworking himself. This often results in him thinking he knows best for everyone before checking in with their own needs.


✦ Team BLANK
✦ Branch BLANK
✦ Team Type BLANK
✦ Team Rank BLANK

✦ Members


  • ✦ Meng Daiyu
  • ✦ Ji Zicheng

Mythical Helpers

  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK

Paradox Helpers

  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK


  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK
  • ✦ BLANK

✦ Inventory

Ancient Tomes

Well, maybe not all of them Ancient, but a good handful at least. Quinn is always carrying around too many books. Some borrowed from Yveria's most esteemed libraries - he most certainly intends to return them. Eventually.

Quills & Ink

The contents of his bag are nearly always ink stained. He keeps meaning to work out some enchantment against it, but who has time for that? There are more pressing matters to be attending.

Journals & Scrolls

Hoarding all that ink has a purpose. It's rare to find a moment where Quinn isn't intently scrawling something into one of his various journals. You don't do that many magickal experiments if you don't intend to record your findings.

Pouches of Coins

The amount of Gold & Silver on his person at any given time is somewhat astounding -- but books and magickal reagents don't come cheap -- and neither does well tailored, enchanted clothing.

Star Charts

One would assume an actual map of Yveria would prove more useful. How Quinn can even decipher these is as much of a mystery as their purpose. Seems to be some kind of family secret.

Pack Goat

While more of a companion animal, this strange creature doesn't really do much other than carry Quinn's countless bags around and stare at you with an eerie sort of gaze.

✦ Trivia


  • ✦ Strong Tea
  • ✦ Herbal Bitters
  • ✦ Night Time
  • ✦ Nice Clothing
  • ✦ His Husband


  • ✦ Writing & Reading
  • ✦ Classical History
  • ✦ The Occult
  • ✦ Traveling
  • ✦ Collecting Books


  • ✦ Wasted Time
  • ✦ Loud Noises
  • ✦ Being Interrupted
  • ✦ Foolishness
  • ✦ Lack of Insight

✦ General Trivia

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.
  • CLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc laoreet ullamcorper metus, at vulputate diam vestibulum quis.

✦ Relationships

Brandr husband

Quinn and Brandr have your classic childhood friends turned lovers trope. Having something of a rocky history growing up and then growing apart due to circumstance, the two finally reconnected again once into adulthood, and became inseperable since then. Their love is gross and weird, and no one really quite gets what they see in each other.

Brandr husband

Quinn and Brandr have your classic childhood friends turned lovers trope. Having something of a rocky history growing up and then growing apart due to circumstance, the two finally reconnected again once into adulthood, and became inseperable since then. Their love is gross and weird, and no one really quite gets what they see in each other.

Brandr husband

Quinn and Brandr have your classic childhood friends turned lovers trope. Having something of a rocky history growing up and then growing apart due to circumstance, the two finally reconnected again once into adulthood, and became inseperable since then. Their love is gross and weird, and no one really quite gets what they see in each other.

Brandr husband

Quinn and Brandr have your classic childhood friends turned lovers trope. Having something of a rocky history growing up and then growing apart due to circumstance, the two finally reconnected again once into adulthood, and became inseperable since then. Their love is gross and weird, and no one really quite gets what they see in each other.

Brandr husband

Quinn and Brandr have your classic childhood friends turned lovers trope. Having something of a rocky history growing up and then growing apart due to circumstance, the two finally reconnected again once into adulthood, and became inseperable since then. Their love is gross and weird, and no one really quite gets what they see in each other.