


7 months, 3 days ago


❥ Background Information:

      ❥ Personality Information: 
Hot-headed and full of pride, he is the leader of the group. He is very competitive and hates being wrong, but despite this, he is a very caring and loyal leader. He isn't the most organized, but he's better than some. He likes to learn new things; but gets bored in class easily. He is very focused, but sometimes laziness takes that focus away. He enjoys riding on his skateboard. He loves to fold paper airplanes and loves the colour red. He enjoys snacks, but he doesn't eat as much as some. He's considered the "fire" of the group.

      ❥ Backstory: 
Their father, the shadowed man, created them to defeat and replace the Rowdyruff Boys, who had become good. He'd wanted strength and respect, seeing as he was "nothing but a shadow". The boys can be seen as the opposite of the Rowdyruff Boys, being calm and serious. They became good guys in the end, along with their father. They're represented by skull-and-crossbones. Blaze was created first - and the Shadowed Man collected data on Brick to create the best, strong, and evil life form; (before Bone and Blade and the others? I've made this OC in 2012 or I kind of forgot/possibly never decided haha). In the beginning, he was considerably colder but still violent, and this went on for awhile.
When Banana turned on the PPG and went rogue, the RMRB were sent by their "father" to capture her to help him get more power. Since the RMRB are their self-proclaimed new (evil) rival super-powered boy team, the RRB decided to help. After taking her to their home and keeping her there for awhile, the RMRB had to do a lot of battling with the RRB and PPG during that time. Later when they found Banana, the PPG end up rescuing her. Banana was saved and turned good, and the Ruffs decided to try and be good too. After more fights and arguments, the RMRB follow suit and become good as well. This leads to one big battle with the Shadowed Man that lasts for awhile, but later on they win and the Shadowed Man joins them in goodness after much conviction. Blaze discovers that it's okay for him to have fun ad play/goof around without having to find fun in sadistic pleasure at someone else's pain, so he becomes the guy with a cocky, smartass attitude. He's teasing and perhaps acts rough a bit much, but he's got a good, warm heart.

      ❥ Basic Likes and Dislikes: 

* Skateboarding
* Red
* Snacks/Food
* Sports/Competition
* Hanging Out with Friends
* Fire/Fighting
* Teasing Others
* Anime/Cartoons!

* Losing
* Being Wrong
* People being mean to his friends/family
* Being Told Off
* Cleaning
* Being Insulted

      ❥ What They Usually Carry Around: 
* Accessories
* Messenger Bag
* Snacks
* General Stuff - like a phone and whatnot