Xavier Gwilym



8 years, 4 months ago


Name: Xavier Gwilym Nickname: Give him one! 

Age: 25 | DOB: Oct 29th - Scorpio Gender: Male

Height: 5’9 | Weight: 145lbs - Toned 


Ex-Partner: Q | Element: N/A

Personality: + Self-reliant, Assertive, Investigative – Intense, Competitive, Secretive

Abilities and Talents: Handles troublesome things with a calm composed demeator where others may find difficulty in Photographic Memory - Sees or hears once he can repeat it. Can jump and run at an better than average pace Can handle close combat but isn’t very good at taking punches Information and history: Xavier grew up in a very strict military family but was lucky enough to live with his aunt and her husband who were opera singers, who were more open. At the age of ten he saw his first opera with them playing the leads. He was amazed and in awe instantly. This event influenced him throughout his life. He wanted to go into something behind the stage but when funds ran out he had to drop out of college. Without any money and something to do, his immediate family told him to follow in their family’s line of being soldiers. Not thrilled with the career shift at first because he felt like he wouldn’t be any good at it, he didn’t change his mind until one of the officer’s who knew about something that he might like instead. Learning about how he could be partnered up with a demon appealed to his inner child. Why the character wants to join DAMMED: As a child he was taught to fear demons but something in him said he shouldn’t. When he was pressured in joining the military after ‘failing’ college, at first he didn’t like the idea of being bossed around by some higher rank but after learning about the DAMMED program from the enrollments officer he didn’t waste a beat signing his name. Extras: Keeps calm in any situation- even when everyone else is freaking. The ‘oh rly’ expression or one eyebrow raised is his signature look Takes him a long time to adjust to things - Not a Morning person Keeps his worries and anxiety to himself


Xavier didn’t leave DAMMED after the assignment to be promoted to Second Class Private but felt guilty for not being enough to pass and with his partner losing faith in him was the first blow. Another came up when his parents and his older siblings came to visit him at DAMMED’s headquarters and berated his decisions, his relationships, and just about everything that was him. 

Xavier isolated himself and looked inward to change these things about himself. He stayed in his room at the dorms and didn’t speak to anyone even his own partner Q. Q was quiet with him as well which didn’t help at all and left Xavier to his own devices and self made alone time. Getting more and more quiet and distance from everyone that he knew and met in DAMMED. 

This continued up to when the tragedy happened. Xavier was there and finally left his room to go into action. To face the call but it was so strange and he was now the one distant from everyone else. He didn’t know where to go, or what to do. He thought he was following the orders he was given but nothing he seemed to do was right or helped. 

During the tragedy Xavier got hurt and he couldn’t help anyone and even worse couldn't help his own partner. Someone he promised that he would never let any harm come to when they first met and now at this moment; he had broken that promise completely. 

Xavier felt like he had to leave, get away, go into exile. Not too far away from Q; who turned up into the hospital. Because they were not talking and not being able to communicate anymore from the day leading up to the tragedy and not being able to get into sink with each other or the others trying to help during the tragedy, They both became very sick. Xavier was released sooner than Q but he felt like he couldn’t face Q after this. So all Xavier could do was to sit in the hallway outside Q’s hospital room. Turning his fingers in his hands and thinking about what happened in the past. All of his faults and shortcomings that lead up to that moment with Q in a hospital bed and himself in an uncomfortable folding chair in the hospital hallway. 

This went on for days, month, and soon this turned into years. With Xavier keeping near to Q but 18 years of doing this was starting to take it’s tow on both of them. Xavier could see it in his body and how his scars, wounds weren’t healing right. So he decided that it was best that he broke the bond he and Q had together. It would be best for the both of them. Maybe Xavier could redeem or pay for his shortcomings and learn from his past mistakes no matter how long it may take. 

A year before Xavier and Q’s bond was severed, Xavier stumbled upon the SAVIOR. Which was a group that seemed to be perfect for someone like him. Someone that felt like DAMMED was too forceful in the things that they did. A group that didn’t force it’s members to be line. Not a military but acted like a family looking out for one another. Xavier enjoyed and was intrigued with the idea of the SAVIORs. Maybe he could work on his faults in this group. Maybe he could get out from under his father’s controlling eyes and ears. Maybe he could be useful more than he was in DAMMED. 

Currently Xavier is with the SAVIORs in the desert trying to look for more information. Trying to get used to being alone again.