Dahlia Rosette (Sona)



7 months, 16 days ago


♡ 🌸 Dahlia was born under unusual circumstances - to a human mother and an angel father. Her mother, Rose, a kind-hearted human with an affinity for the arts, unexpectedly fell in love with an angel, ||REDACTED||, who was captivated by Rose's pure-hearted kindness and her love for life. Their union, though filled with love, was fraught with challenges due to the celestial laws that ||REDACTED|| had broken by engaging in a relationship with a mortal. Tragically, when Dahlia was just a toddler, her mother succumbed to a mysterious illness that seemed beyond the reach of earthly medicine. ||REDACTED||, torn between his duties in the celestial realm and his mortal family, was forced to make a heart-wrenching decision. He chose to return to the heavens, entrusting his daughter's safety to his sister-in-law, Lily, before disappearing without a trace. This decision created a rift in the fabric of the angelic realm, leading to whispers of a prophecy that spoke of a child born of both worlds who would bridge the gap between humans and angels. She harbors some angel blood and has some special abilities that she hadn't known about for most of her childhood. Now in her early twenties, she is still figuring out her special abilities and wants to know more about her missing mother and mysteriously vanished father. Lily, aware of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding Dahlia's birth, raised her with love but also with a veil of secrecy, fearing that the truth about Dahlia's heritage could bring danger to their doorstep. She watched over Dahlia's childhood, noticing early signs of her extraordinary abilities, such as her rapid healing and an uncanny connection to music. As Dahlia grew, she found solace in music, her voice becoming a beacon of light in her otherwise isolated world.

♡ 🌸 As Dahlia grew, she found solace in music, her voice becoming a beacon of light in her otherwise isolated world. Unbeknownst to her, her singing had the power to influence the emotions of those around her, a gift inherited from her celestial lineage. Her talents were eventually discovered during a karaoke night with her aunt, leading to a burgeoning career as a singer under the stage name "Dahlia Rosette," in homage to her late mother. At first, she hesitated to join the industry, but seeing how happy she made people and herself, she thought this would be the start of something new. Dahlia has no idea that her very own singing voice has the ability to mesmerize, calm one down, and push negative thoughts to the side, almost in a trance-like state. Now in her early twenties, Dahlia's quest for self-discovery has led her to question the mysteries surrounding her past. Her journey for truth uncovers snippets of her mother's hidden diary, revealing hints of a celestial love and prophecies of a child who would harmonize the realms. Dahlia begins to piece together the puzzle of her existence, her angelic abilities growing stronger as she delves deeper into her heritage. Dahlia's journey is not without danger, as her angelic nature begins to attract attention from otherworldly beings, both benevolent and malevolent. The prophecy of a child born of both worlds stirs unrest in the celestial realm, with some seeing her as a bridge to peace, while others view her as an aberration to be eradicated.

🌸 (nobody knows the name of the angel father, that is why the name is redacted)

🌸 self-insert/oc for the comic series "in the dark"