Persephone Dreonada (Sonic Form)



Name: Persephone Dreonada
Known As: Persephone 
Nickname(s): Toothpaste, Seph, Sephie, Persie
Gender: Female
Species: Kelpie
Alignment: Good
Morals: True Neutral/ Chaotic Good
Nationality: Greek
Birthplace: Olympus
Current Residence: Nomadic

Theme Song: N/A
Voice Actor: N/A
===•• Physical Information ••===

Fur: Cyan and White
Skin: Tan
Hair: Cyan and White "dreds"
Eyes: Magenta

Height: Anthro- 5ft 5in
Weight: 45 kg
Current Age: Immortal in the Heavens (160 years old)  Mortal- 21 (appearance) 
Date of Birth: March 1st

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Marital Status: Technically taken xD
Love Interest(s): N/A (technically Adonis xD )
Family: Zeus (father), Demeter (mother), Hades (uncle), Hecate (family friend/ Demeter's friend) 

Likes: Spring, flowers, baked desserts, cleaning, clouds and sun, Exploring, clothing/ fashion, people/ social, learning in the world of the living, ruins, gold, ocean.   

Dislikes: Hades, Underworld, graveyards (as it reminds her of the underworld) , totalitarianism, spicy or sour foods, closed in spaces (due to being imprisoned), Pomegranates (as Hades used these fruits to trick her into a curse)  
Personality: Persephone is a free care individual who loved to explore and learn new things.  She was also very oblivious and gullible.  Her personality changed once she was captured by Hades and wedded to him.  She became more silent and to herself.  Once she escapes she reverts back to her original personality though she is hit with home sickness and regrets every now and again due to her time in the underworld.

Relationship with : Zeus- Persephone has no memory or recollection of her father as he left her and her mother at a young age.  Demeter never explained who her father was to her, fearing that Persephone will be filled with hate or sadness against him.

Demeter- Persephone's mother that she is very close and attached to.  The two have a very close relationship as they did everything together before Hades took Persephone.

Hades- Persephone's uncle who has an odd infatuation with her.  He kidnapped her when she venture on one of her exploration trips, supposedly falling in love with her from looks only, not really aware she was his niece.  But either way it didn't matter as he tricked her into eating cursed fruit to tie her to the underworld for certain time periods per year, pretty much kidnapping her from Demeter.  He married her despite their age differences and made her into a wife and slave for him.

Backstory: Persephone is the child of Zeus and Demeter, created from a love affair.  Zeus left Demeter and Persephone behind while Persephone was still a baby to try and hide his wrong doing from his wife at the time.  He never returned as Demeter decided to take care of Persephone herself for a hundred years.  Persephone grew up without knowing her father but was perfectly happy with her life growing up with her mother in the land of the heavens.  
This later changed when on one of her adventures of explorations alone Hades caught sight of her and fell for her looks.  He kept watch over her over time till he finally made his move to feed her a cursed pomegranate to tie her to the underworld for three- quarters of the year and then kidnapped her to the underworld to make her his bride.  
Once married to Hades by force she remained chained in the Underworld, restricted of her powers. Demeter was left looking for her, not knowing where to find her.  Persephone spent another sixty years serving and tending to Hades, becoming a lifeless puppet hardly showing any emotion.  One day she overheard Hades talking about the curse he put on her and took her chance of escaping during the time she can escape (the one-fourth time of the year) she was so desperate that she left the Underworld and while being tracked by Hades's demons and hounds she fell into the mortal world.  Learning when Hades couldn't follow her there himself she was relieved but then she came to the conclusion that she couldn't return to her mother either, causing her on and off depression states.
From this point on she spends her life as a mortal, learning things of the mortal world and how to be mortal.  She looses all her powers and begins to age normally as well.  She hopes to figure out how to return to the world of the gods even if it means facing Hades to break the curse off her to return to her mother.
===• • Powers • Weaknesses • Fears • •===

Immortal/ Goddess: Earth abilities

*When Mortal she looses all her abilities./ None
•- Weakness(es)
- Her curse to stay in the underworld for an allotted amount of time unless in the mortal world.
- Hades' chains
- Her own guilt from entering the mortal world
- Home sickness- becomes depressed
- closed in rooms/ being locked up (causes panic)

•- Fear(s)
- Returning to the underworld
- Hades
- demons
- caves
- darkness

•- Trivia
- Persephone's history was inspired from the actual goddess/ god stories with minor tweaks and mobian changes of course haha
- Persephone is my first ever echidna I have made.
- I went with Greek as most echidna's are usually tribal.
- At first Persphone was meant to exist in the past as a mortal to begin with but that later changed as she was made into a goddess who became mortal when escaping into the mortal world from Hades.