
7 months, 24 days ago



Hazel Primrose

"I will never give up my familys work"


While most of the townsfolk look up to Hazel, she doesn't view her family or lifestyle as anything out of the ordinary or as anything that would set her family apart from the other citizens. Her parents, Daisy and Daffodil owned large swaths of land near the edge of town, extending out into the endless plains. Over countless generations their family had managed to create a massive farm full not just of substance but variety as well, ending up as Meadowville's main food source. Her parents always doted on her and did their best to raise their only child, equipping her with the skills she needed to live a good life, and even start her own family and continue their legacy if that was what she chose when they were gone.

The choice came too soon. Jasper, during his rampage throughout the town, specifically madde his way towards the Primrose's farm with the knowledge that if he was able to take them out, the rest of the town would most likely starve. Initially Daff and Daisy both insisted that Hazel remain in hiding in their safety bunker, not realizing the true strength Jasper had. Hazel disobeyed them and snuck out of the house to help them fight, but it was not enough as Jasper easily murdered her parents and nearly killed her as well--she would have been done for, if Axel hadn't of happened to catch up to Jasper in that moment. The two of them began to battle, leaving Hazel covered in wounds, but alive.

It didn't get any easier from there. Her wounds turned to scars as time passed...she buried her parents on her own not in the town's public graveyard, but in a secluded area of the woods near their home. She managed to cut and carve the stones herself, refusing anyone who offered to help her with the task. She did receive a few gifts, most were placed into a box in her closet unless they were edible items, those were quickly consumed as she tried to distract herself from her new reality. She stopped going places or talking to her friends, instead pouring herself into her work as she began to harvest the crops of the property, trying to move as fast as she could so that next year's supply could survive the winter.

One day, Atlas managed to convince her to start spending time with him and Helen, just an hour or two once a week. On one of those days while they were passing through the main area of town they were surprised to discover a trial taking place and Axel standing as the accused. Shocked they stopped and listened, watching as things seemed to continue mounting up against Axel for the murder of...who? Hazel didn't recognize them, they were clearly someone from the big city. Just as it seemed Axel would have no hope of winning with how frenzied the crowd was, Hazel spoke up in his defense. Why, she reasoned, would he kill someone now? If he wanted to kill them all, then he would've just joined forces with Jasper instead of defeating him! A combination of the logic in her statement, the citizen's respect for Hazel and her family, as well as the influence she unintentionally and unknowingly had due to providing most of their food snapped them out of their fury and paranoia fueled campaign. Axel was shown compassion.

She didn't expect anything from it but was surprised to find Axel at her doorstep that night with a gift. The necklace he gave her was far too polished to be made here in Meadowville, perhaps there had been a travelling vendor that came through today? Those vendors always charged so much for such little trinkets...she took the gift however, and instead of putting it in the closet she put it on. It was a simple little flower necklace on a chain...had it been intentional that the purple of the flower matched the purple of the choker her mother always wore?

She wasn't surprised to find out that Atlas had befriended Axel and was coaxing him out of his shell. The four of them as a group grew closer, and Hazel could almost feel herself getting happier as the days passed by and she looked forward to their hangouts, which went from once a week to twice, occasionally even three times!

Hazel tried to avoid acknowledging the passage of time. She couldn't afford to pull so many break days. It was up to her, and her alone to maintain it, and if she didn' then she didn't dare consider what would happen. Torn in two, everything finally snapped when Helen, a friend she had known her entire life, stole Atlas's savings and ran off with another man to the big city. Horrified and distraught, even disgusted at herself for not noticing what kind of a person Helen was, she poured herself into her work. She stopped coming to see Atlas or Axel, and worked every day until her body was barely functioning.

While Axel noticed Hazel's withdrawl Atlas did not, pouring himself into his own business to try to keep his mind off of Helen, and rarely considering Hazel or even Axel. The pink cat finally had enough and set out to speak to her, only to find her collapsed and near death from overexertion, without hesitation he nursed her back to health in the next coming days. While Hazel recovered, she noticed that Axel was out working the property, harvesting...she didn't realize that he had actually been paying attention whenever she would explain to him how she did her work. And, the speed and ability with which he carried out each of her daily chores was astonishing and far unlike the abilities of any of the other townsfolk.

She didn't want to accept his offer when he asked if he could stay with her and continue to help around the farm. But, part of her did want to accept. Those few days that he had been there were so much less lonely than the life she had been living before, and she could feel that happiness, and the sense of peace that she had lost creeping back to her. Axel himself sealed the deal when he explained that he had always loved nature, and the tasks were very therapeutic to him and were helping his mental health significantly. Surely nothing odd would come up with the two of them living together...

  • VERSE Proverbs 31:10-31
  • ROLE Farmer
  • THEME Nature
  • AGE 18-19
  • D.O.B May 28th
  • BLOOD TYPE B Negative
  • HEIGHT 5'9"
  • WEIGHT 154 lbs
  • GENDER Female
  • RACE Cat
  • OCCUPATION Farming
  • ARCHETYPE Logician
  • ORIENTATION Gray/Demisexual
  • BIRTHPLACE Meadowville
  • RESIDENCE Primrose Property
  • RELIGION Unknown
  • STANDING Upstanding
  • STATUS Alive


  • Hazel was initially intended to be an adoptable, however I got really attached while making her and ended up keeping her as an oc!
  • She's probably the first oc that I've made with complex patterns with natural colors based on a real type of cat.
  • Hazel's the first bobtail oc I've designed! She might be the only one actually.



Trustworthy - Independent - Persistent

Even when Hazel was living with her parents, she remained a fairly independent child who did her own thing most of the time outside of the times where her parents would homeschool her. Putting herself out there to make new friends, join social groups, and also maintain her work and social life. Hazel is always there for her friends to lend a shoulder to cry on or even advice at times, remaining honest with them without being overly harsh or critical of them. Giving up isn't in her vocabulary, if there's something she's trying to do, she won't stop until it's completed even if it ends up harming her in the process.

Impulsive - Stubborn - Distrustful

Despite her reliability, there have been times where Hazel had made impulsive judgements that ended up causing her issues later on. Whether it's a physical action or something she speaks, sometimes she doesn't think certain things through until after she's already done them. This is made worse by her stubbornness, refusing to back down even if the point she was making was wrong. And, ever since Jasper, she's been distrustful of new people she doesn't know.



  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Aenean bibendum convallis lectus id scelerisque. Nullam sollicitudin nibh ac vestibulum consectetur. Nunc tristique, elit suscipit luctus egestas, risus ante dapibus lorem, eget finibus neque libero nec ex.
  • Pellentesque at augue sed nibh congue venenatis in at augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam quam quam, suscipit vel faucibus mollis, pellentesque quis velit.


  • Suspendisse nisi sapien, semper quis porttitor et, blandit id tortor. Fusce porttitor tincidunt enim, vel maximus ligula vulputate in. Maecenas vulputate vitae ipsum at eleifend.
  • Nulla metus arcu, sollicitudin vitae justo at, luctus faucibus nisl. Sed volutpat libero sed tincidunt bibendum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec elementum sagittis nisi. Maecenas bibendum nunc eu sapien finibus rhoncus. Etiam sit amet lorem at orci mattis pellentesque a ac ex. Mauris luctus, neque sit amet semper mattis, eros ante porta neque, ac volutpat purus leo in risus. Quisque feugiat dolor in mollis imperdiet. Curabitur tincidunt iaculis nunc ut rhoncus. Vestibulum cursus aliquet augue vitae posuere. Pellentesque eget ipsum id felis dignissim ullamcorper quis ac lorem. Curabitur feugiat sit amet leo et efficitur. Sed id augue a augue dapibus venenatis vitae id velit. Fusce posuere vestibulum nisl pulvinar aliquam.


  • Donec imperdiet turpis mollis tincidunt placerat. In porta et tellus eget condimentum. Quisque faucibus a felis sit amet mattis. Proin vitae neque congue, facilisis justo eget, porttitor turpis.


  • Duis vitae nunc mattis, ultrices felis sed, tempor lectus. In rutrum risus purus, ac commodo purus lacinia vitae. Suspendisse nec dolor id felis vulputate porta sit amet vel mauris. Proin porta ullamcorper dolor vitae vulputate. Pellentesque ultrices, nisi ut iaculis varius, mi sapien molestie tellus, eget porta metus ligula et ipsum. Maecenas laoreet ligula sed ultricies varius. Ut ac arcu sed nunc ornare varius eget tempus neque. Duis ultrices erat eros, ut tristique nisi elementum at. Mauris ut massa quam. Sed mattis massa vitae augue bibendum tincidunt. Proin ac mi et massa fermentum vulputate. In ut vestibulum nulla, in rhoncus sem.



Suspendisse eu ex tellus. Aliquam convallis suscipit tortor in fringilla. Cras sit amet nulla convallis, eleifend metus at, hendrerit urna. Morbi urna nulla, porttitor nec lorem at, dapibus laoreet enim. Maecenas facilisis purus sit amet ipsum eleifend, eget mollis mauris accumsan. Nam ornare rutrum magna quis rutrum. Sed augue nunc, egestas non ultricies ac, malesuada sed nulla. Duis ut est sed ipsum blandit fermentum a ac ex. Nam eu dolor sit amet nibh molestie tempus in vitae dolor. Aenean nec dolor lobortis, luctus mi non, sodales enim. Nullam vulputate purus nec tincidunt cursus. Vivamus quis euismod velit, quis feugiat lacus. Morbi non lacinia magna, id pretium elit. Integer convallis euismod tellus eget convallis. Integer luctus sodales risus, id ultricies elit placerat vel. Integer blandit venenatis dui in semper.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • POSTURE: Unknown
  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown


  • FOOD: Uknown
  • DRINK: Uknown
  • COLOUR: Uknown
  • NUMBER: Uknown
  • SPORT: Uknown
  • ANIMAL: Uknown
  • HOLIDAY: Uknown
  • SEASON: Uknown
  • TIME OF DAY: Uknown
  • GENRE(S): Uknown


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Unknown
  • SWEARS?: Unknown
  • QUIRKS: Unknown


  • "Cras volutpat odio ut interdum dignissim. Praesent non augue a elit interdum gravida in non dolor. Sed in arcu vulputate, blandit ipsum et, malesuada libero. "
  • "Pellentesque pellentesque, lacus et ornare tincidunt, diam dolor sagittis eros, pellentesque imperdiet dui purus quis dolor. Nulla vitae laoreet massa, eget mollis massa. Phasellus laoreet feugiat nibh, ut elementum elit gravida non."
  • "Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque vel malesuada libero. Sed et cursus est. Ut massa tellus, interdum a viverra nec, efficitur non leo."



  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.


  • UNKNOWN: Aliquam lacinia nisl neque, eget elementum purus rhoncus id.
  • UNKNOWN: Maecenas ut justo nunc. Mauris aliquet, dolor et consequat convallis, turpis justo imperdiet arcu, non dapibus sapien mauris sed dui.
  • UNKNOWN: Nullam et porttitor arcu. Aliquam eu lectus tristique, cursus mauris non, fringilla risus. Pellentesque ac ultrices libero.














Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



Describe relationship here. Quisque vestibulum varius magna sit amet accumsan. Praesent ut augue maximus, faucibus nisl sed, pellentesque dui. Nam commodo mollis lobortis.



  • DESIGNER Unknown
  • WORTH Unknown


  • Nam euismod luctus nibh, quis egestas nisi malesuada nec. Vivamus et rhoncus leo. Integer vitae dapibus nisl, a semper ex. Vestibulum et commodo orci, in elementum est.
  • Nunc ut facilisis enim, nec pharetra nunc. Maecenas at maximus ligula, ac vehicula magna. Proin sit amet congue lorem. Aliquam finibus ultrices pretium. Proin convallis posuere pulvinar.
  • Fusce cursus pulvinar dictum. Etiam dapibus metus et dui placerat, mollis molestie nisl vestibulum. Curabitur ullamcorper risus nec dolor pulvinar, sagittis sagittis lacus vulputate.


  • Nam euismod luctus nibh, quis egestas nisi malesuada nec. Vivamus et rhoncus leo. Integer vitae dapibus nisl, a semper ex. Vestibulum et commodo orci, in elementum est.
  • Nunc ut facilisis enim, nec pharetra nunc. Maecenas at maximus ligula, ac vehicula magna. Proin sit amet congue lorem. Aliquam finibus ultrices pretium. Proin convallis posuere pulvinar.
  • Fusce cursus pulvinar dictum. Etiam dapibus metus et dui placerat, mollis molestie nisl vestibulum. Curabitur ullamcorper risus nec dolor pulvinar, sagittis sagittis lacus vulputate.



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