Helvetika Telgkamp



10 months, 12 days ago


Helvetika Telgkamp
young adult

Spirited, outgoing. Savvy and self-interested, reserving her loyalty for close friends. Infatuated with treasure-hunting and expeditions into the unknown.

Average build, healthy and athletic.
Dusty green skin, spattered with green lumen that flashes more easily than she'd like. Bluish fins, already with a few chunks taken out of them by old injuries.
Thick, loosely curled black hair, bright blue eyes, strong features.
Practical dress, adorned with coloured ceramic, thread, shell and painted wood.

The first family Helvetika remembers was an old human fisherman from the east coast of Eniya, who claims to have found her abandoned.

As a youth, she was trained in the ways of the sea, helping him in his trade as soon as she was old enough. Otherwise, she was given quite free rein, and spent her days mingling with the port-folk (some more amiable than others), looking for shellfish and combing the beach for valuables.

They weren't rich, and as soon as she became old enough, it became increasingly obvious to her that there were advantages to being able to see in the dark and swim like a fish, and that there was much she could do to make their humble life that little bit easier. (Her adoptive father was an honest man, and made her hand people back their belongings on more than one occasion.)

He died of natural causes, sickness and age, but this did not make it much easier. When he became too sick to work, it fell to Helve to keep the both of them afloat, and this she did. When he finally left her, though, she took herself and her grief on the first promising ship out of there, as she had always promised herself she someday would.

Excellent climber.
Moderately dyslexic.