


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Bellatrix Kuebiko




Messy Basic Info: 

  • A reckless fashionista who hates how terribly skilled she is at widespread violence and destruction. A combination of her magic and 'race' make her incredibly resistant to most injuries/illnesses, leading to her being self-sacrificing both because she'd rather be 'injured' than others, and because she was raised to believe her only worth is in being a weapon, and cannon fodder when that fails. 
  • She admires feminine girls because they're so far removed from what she's been made into and works to emulate them. 
  • She's the best chef out of her team and pretends that she doesn't enjoy the others breaking into her room to demand food- she needs to feel useful and loves spoiling them. 
  • Her team was at first piqued by Bella's obsession with fashion until they learned that she was never allowed anything to personify herself growing up, even her hair was forcibly cut- So she flounces around in new outfits and cutting edge design as a way of self expression, and initially to make herself feel pretty until she forgets that mindset in favor of having fun. 
  • Bella has a warrior's mentality and code of honor that she holds fast to, even when her teammates' natural cunning lean more toward less...forward methods of achieving victory. For her part, however, Bellatrix's will far outmatches even her supernatural strength and she is often able to break problems into pieces rather than work her way around them. 
  • Bellatrix at first rarely spoke because she had to be taught by her team that her opinion matters and even if she has nothing important to say, they love talking to her. 
  • She can be naive due to a stringent upbringing, but is virtuous, compassionate, and optimistic. Bellatrix is the true heart and soul of her team. 
  • Bella is also the first one to initiate physical contact- She's never had any that wasn't for the sake of inflicting pain but she's seen hugs before and is eager to try them out. Often. She loves skinship. 
  • She's also fiercely protective of them as the sole close combat specialist- and especially when considering that one is a medic who's afraid of blood and the other a sheltered aristocrat who would sooner be a NEET than a soldier. 
  • They all hated each other when they first became a team- With Bella having power but no finesse or talent in correctly using it. She didn't have a name either, as she wasn't treated like a person until she was 'sold' to the academy. Nonetheless, she could be willful and silently despised her teammates for their incompetence and- honestly- terrible personalities.