


5 years, 9 months ago



age 28
birthday July 14
species human

intelligence ★★★★★
intuition ★★★☆☆
physical strength ★★★☆☆
magical strength ★★★★☆



With a wide smile and a self-assuredness with the way he carries himself, Leigh is a sunny, charismatic presence. He's rarely seen looking anything other than amused, and, as an extrovert, has no problem initiating conversations and making friends wherever he goes. He has a strong mischievous streak, facilitated by his quick tongue, which makes him excellent at banter and, more often than he confesses to, excellent at stirring the pot, too.

At heart, Leigh is a scholar. His interest is magical anthropology: that is, the study of how magic shapes and influences the daily life of cultures around the world. With a sharp eye and sharper mind, he notices little things that others might miss, and is just as good at reading people as he is at reading books. This, however, is not something he always lets on - in fact, as warm and charming as Leigh can be, he keeps most of his deeper thoughts and observations hidden behind that laid-back smile. 

It's this same guardedness that can sometimes mean he comes off as flippant or detatched, when in reality, it's exactly the opposite. Leigh is a deeply empathetic, caring individual, and it's those traits in himself that he tries to not let cloud his vision and dictate his choices. To Leigh, he sees his role as an observer. What good is history, if there's no one there to record it? Isn't there its own kind of heroism, in being the scribe, in being the supporting character in others' stories? The brightness and playfulness, while genuine, are also a great way of laughing off his own, more selfish feelings. This can make Leigh hard to read, and it's not often that he'll be truly vulnerable with others. 

While he may avoid talking about his feelings, he is an attentive listener to those who would confide in him, and he shows his care by both centering the conversation around them, but also in acts of service. Leigh is known to do kind things for other people, and, when thanked, does what he always does: laughs and says it's nothing - because if it makes their lives a little better, that's all that matters. After all, it's not about him. (so he tells himself. But he matters just as much as anyone else, is the protagonist to his own story. It's just not so easy to admit, because at least as a side character, there's a much lesser chance he'll hurt the people he cares about if he fails.)


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et tellus  ultrices, elementum neque eu, gravida sapien. Quisque venenatis pharetra  nunc, sit amet vehicula lorem lobortis a. In molestie suscipit massa  tristique congue. Vivamus blandit, sem ac convallis volutpat, turpis  quam mattis eros, eget gravida lectus diam at erat. Suspendisse lorem  massa, fermentum ac volutpat et, egestas ut sem. Suspendisse elementum  porta consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus  et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas porta a urna elementum  porttitor. Nulla facilisi. Duis sit amet finibus purus. Praesent ex  arcu, tristique eget dapibus eget, fermentum non diam. Donec blandit  pulvinar odio ut luctus. Duis suscipit pretium lectus at malesuada. Sed  eu urna sit amet ex laoreet dignissim.

Morbi eleifend leo sit amet rhoncus condimentum. Sed eget turpis sed  dolor sodales pharetra. Curabitur ex dui, porttitor vitae mollis sed,  gravida mollis turpis. Sed viverra, erat ac sagittis blandit, dolor  magna iaculis lacus, pharetra sodales dolor nisi et purus. Aenean ac mi  purus. Proin sagittis placerat nisl vel tincidunt. Fusce accumsan, purus  ut vestibulum sollicitudin, felis nisl pretium augue, mollis tristique  sapien odio eget felis. Sed pellentesque est accumsan purus mollis  malesuada. Nullam sagittis mauris ligula, ut laoreet nulla mollis et.  Donec sagittis euismod enim in aliquam. Cras dapibus ut tellus non  eleifend. In bibendum sem vel odio interdum pretium ac eget ante.  Pellentesque quis enim a ipsum iaculis facilisis nec sit amet libero.  Aliquam ullamcorper molestie justo, id mollis sem rhoncus vitae.  Maecenas et lorem viverra, mollis magna sit amet, viverra ipsum. Sed  tincidunt velit ut porta pulvinar.

Curabitur in consequat lacus, vitae convallis est. Nulla nunc eros,  feugiat quis aliquet quis, posuere varius ipsum. Phasellus vitae euismod  est, eget tempor eros. In lectus ligula, fringilla ut ultrices sit  amet, placerat rutrum turpis. Proin suscipit erat at ultricies interdum.  Aenean auctor est vitae mi sollicitudin, quis feugiat odio bibendum.  Duis a pretium sapien. Nam quis leo ut augue volutpat semper. Aenean  magna diam, condimentum sed tortor vitae, eleifend mollis ipsum. Sed  suscipit, felis et tincidunt vulputate, eros neque pulvinar purus, ut  egestas mi elit in eros. Morbi fringilla justo non mauris elementum, ac  lobortis dolor volutpat. Vestibulum vestibulum mauris nulla, non sodales  lorem venenatis non. Integer facilisis, tellus eget congue finibus,  nunc tortor efficitur ante, a eleifend enim ipsum eu tortor. Praesent  tempor, elit vitae venenatis tincidunt, felis neque iaculis turpis, a  dapibus augue quam quis arcu.


Leigh's cultural spellcasting is calligraphy. With expert strokes, he can paint runes and spells into scrolls and surfaces. These spells are typically long-lasting, and the effects they have endure through time. They can embue objects with extra strength, or act as glyphs of warding, or even, when used in combat, his scrolls can be used to cast powerful spells that would otherwise be impractical to cast in the midst of  a fight.
However, Leigh is a broadly talented spellcaster. Travelling as part of his research, he uses his knack for learning to pick up a wide variety of techniques from the woodcarving magic of the elves that live in the forest, to the dancing-based casting of the humans in the north. He picks up on these magical arts quickly and is an attentive student, and while he may not have true mastery over these forms like someone who had been studying them for all their lives, he's surprisingly proficient in them.



Leigh's romantic partner. The necklaces they wear, a piece of Han's magic and  soul in each, bind them together through their reincarnations.  Reincarnation is fickle: it's not a guarantee of  anything, except that  they'll meet again, in another life. They are  soulmates by choice, and  each life they spend together they renew their bond and promise to meet  again.

Han and Leigh see each other as equals. Leigh, more  outwardly reckless and easily charming, pulls Han out of his comfort  zone and teaches him the value of living in the moment, and in turn Han  is a steady, bright warmth for Leigh, lifting him up while reminding him  there's beauty in everything, including Leigh himself. Together, they  share laughs and are each other's rock. They both are restless spirits  who prefer to wander, and they spend their days joyfully travelling  together, immersing themselves in the cultures and people they meet  along the way. Their love is about sharing their joie de vivre - as lovers, companions, and best friends.

official references

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  • his eyes are magenta, with a gold tinge/flecks.
  • freckles dusted on his cheeks/nose, and on his shoulders.

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