


7 months, 12 days ago


Character © Lamina022
Pronouns: she/her
Gender: Female
Personality: True Neutral

If Anju is in her ultimate form, glowing purple markings appear on her body.
The markings represent the magic Anju can wield while in this form.
She has light blue glowing dragon-like eyes.

INFO: If you are going to draw Anju feel free to influence your own ideas into the design.


Cruel Beginnings
Anju is the main character in my story I never brought to paper. She was born as a human being but sold to a royal family by her indebted mother right after birth, where she was treated badly by the foster family, who brought her up as a servant*. She was eventually rescued by a polar wolf spirit and soon came to understand her gift for carrying another soul inside her: a black wolf. She also came to realize, that there was an ancient and deep connection between her and that white wolf, whom she called Amanda as if she'd always known her. Amanda granted her tranquility and security to the afraid and mistreated Anju and forged a bond as a spirit animal, granting her to use her wolf form. Weakened as she was from enslavement, the wolf form soon took over her body and she managed to flee into the woods where she was granted a place in a nearby wolf pack. 

Twin Souls
While living under their supervision, she learned about her animal instincts and how to efficiently hunt down prey. Up until today, Anju values the memory she spent with the wolf pack vastly and describes them as the most valuable time in her life. For animals are never judging and always loyal creatures. Her bond with Amanda helped her further refine her skills as a canine and let her experience a world unknown to any human being. The pack eventually died out due to natural disasters and Anju began her journey in her human form to find meaning in her life once again. 

The Phantom Wolf Pack
After some time, she was taken in by an elder man in an excluded small house in the woods. That man was like a father to Anju she never had and he took good care of her. Anju helped out with chores while they shared stories and helpful tricks. But the old man had a friend he trusted a lot. Said friend paid frequent visits and decided to adopt Anju eventually. He was the Chief of a small village and trained her under his wing as an assassin. She soon joined top ranks and was assigned as leader in special forces directly following chief's command only. The team was forged to be the chief's direct executors even superseding the other special forces and consisted of talented individuals, who mastered even the most demanding mission. Being known under the code name The Phantom Wolf Pack to few only, they earned the reputation for being the indestructible five and served for even after their chief and his successor descended. Now entering young adulthood and performing as an assassin for several years, Anju was eventually betrayed by her current boss, who slowly eliminated her team by assigning them highly risky and deadly missions while separating them. 

Dragons Bond
Disappointed by humanity and being the only survivor of this disaster, she once again traveled to distant lands far away from human civilization. Amanda was a constant supporter in her life to keep pushing on further and further where ethereal creatures lingered and sensed her intrusion. Ancient dragons observed her in these unknown and mysterious lands for some time to decide whether she was a threat or not. Anju had no idea, that this land was inhabited by dragons let alone knew about their actual existence. One of the dragons decided to wait no longer and test her personality and intentions. It emerged in front of Anju in hopes to scare the human away from its territory. But instead Anju felt a strange connection to the creature thanks to Amanda, who also allowed her to understand the dragon language. Bewitched, that the little human would not run away and aware of the spiritual bond to Amanda, it instead declared for Anju to participate in a test to share her true intentions and memories, which Anju passed honestly. Having heard Anju's story and reason for traveling into these lands, the dragon felt pity towards her and granted her the dragons' gift, which allowed her to act as a guardian of balance. 

Guardian Of Balance
Taking on the form of a ten tailed wolf beast towering as big as mountains and with feathery wings as pitch black as the night itself. Her purple markings intertwined with gold in that form showcase her connection to the supernatural and mystical while the gold demonstrates her bond with dragons. Anju eventually learned to switch between her normal wolf form, her human form and her guardian form and frequently uses it to communicate to creatures appropriately. However, she does prefer her wolf form since it is easier for her to blend into the environment and simply observe. She rarely uses her beast form and deeply respects any dragon kin as well as spirits and made it a duty to herself to slay evil spirits and calm raveling ones by using the dragons' power to bring serenity to these lands. She eventually founded an organization of human hunters and trusted friends, each sharing a deep bond with Anju's guardian form, to help protect the world from emerging danger originating from other dimensions and worlds. Anju grew several hundred years old and learned to harness space and time itself, marking her almost as a dragon and god herself. Although she hates that expression.


  • quiet observer
  • neutral
  • traveler of worlds
  • serious but calm leader
  • loves to listen to music
  • loves to spend time with dragons. Especially Vascadvar if he's around


  • bigger than a normal wolf
  • long and fluffy tail
  • mid-long fangs
  • dragon eye pupils