Timothy Eroll/The Time-Stealer



10 months, 21 days ago


Species: Human 

Age: 26

Gender: Male 

Sexuality: Straight 

Height: 5'11"

Occupation: Super Criminal

Voice Ref: Tom Kenny - Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time) https://youtu.be/8ACKqOwJaug?si=g8ZJsjRA6DUICkrD 

Timothy Eroll was a down on his luck, average, normal guy. He never did all that well in school, and he didnt have mant discernable talents. He had a loving girlfriend, but always felt like he didn't deserve her, no thanks in part to his dead end job at an antique shop that didn't leave him much disposable income to really do anything fancy for her. She assured him it was fine, but her parents took every chance to assure him that it wasnt. Tim felt like he was never going to get out of this stagnant, unfulfilling life he was stuck in. Luckily (or unluckily depending on how you see it), that all changed one fateful day. The antique shop received a new antique to add to its collection; a golden pocket watch, seemingly in perfect condition despite being supposedly 100s of years old. His boss didnt really care so long as they could make money off it. So Tim was sent to find a place in the store for it, but as he was doing so, so couldnt help but fiddle with it a little bit. However, as he fliped open the watch's cover, and gazed upon it's constantly ticking hands, he felt oddly transfixed by it. He brushed his thumb over the glass covering the dial, before clicking down the button utop it. Suddenly, a strange, red wire of light shot out from its top, snaking around in the air before painlessly connecting to Tim right over his heart. Before Tim even had a moment to process this, he was engulfed in a split second flash of discolored, red and golden light, as in an instant, all color seemed to vanish from the world around him, and the only sound he could hear was his own footsteps, his own breathing, his own heatbeat, and the rhythmic, constant ticking of the watch. He almost immediately started to panic, his mind running wild with countless horrible possibilities to what he might have just done. He ran into the next room to check on his boss, only to find him completely frozen in place, unresponsive to any of Tim's attempts to get his attention. But it wasnt just him; as Tim looked out of the window, he saw that everything; cars, birds, people, the entire noisy, bustling city, was now still, silent, and lifeless. As the dread set in, Tim looked towards the watch for answers. In desperation he tried what got him in this mess in the first place, clicking down the watch's button, which surprisingly worked. Suddenly the bright flash of light returned, this time retracting back into the watch, and instantly returning color and life to the dull, frozen world. Tim quickly ran back to the other room, ignoring his bosses usual shouts and ramblings; desperately trying to put the watch back and forget this ever happened. However, then he ran into another problem. The red line wouldnt detach from him, and the watch wouldnt go more than 10 feet away from him without being magically pulled towards him. In a further panic, he hid the watch in his jacket, and hurried home with hardly a word to his boss. After some time at home to calm his nerves, he began to fully comprehend what had happened. If his suspicious were right, this was a watch that could stop time, and it had somehow bonded itself to him. His thoughts ran at a 1000 miles an hour trying to figure out where to go from here. Part of him still wanted to take it back and forget this ever happened, but there was still the matter of it being attached to him. Maybe he could see a doctor? But knowing his luck he'd probably get shipped off and experimented on or forced to be in some freaky black ops team. Then a different thought occurred to him. He was constantly being told how he'd never amount to anything; how nothing he does would actually make him enough to give him or his girlfriend a good life. Maybe, this watch was a gift, a sign that he had a higher calling. So, whos to say he shouldn't cash in on this calling? Performance arts came to mind, but he wasnt sure how fancy he could make time stopping look, especially compared to what some of those actually experienced performers, he gots heckled enough already without a live audience. Besides, he was tired of begging people for stuff all the time. That was when it hit him. Maybe instead of using his power to get people to give him stuff, he could take it instead. Now he knew that sounded bad; but it wasnt like he was gonna seriously hurt anyone, especially innocent people. He just wanted to steal stuff that was mostly harmless; money from insured banks, expensive stuff from rich assholes, maybe some fancy jewelry for his girlfriend, that new phone or TV shes been talking about, and there have been a few new game consoles hes wanted for a while. They both worked too hard for too long, so whose to judge him for wanting to actually get what he's wanted after all this time, and provide his girlfriend with the life she deserves? So after some more moral debating, his mind was set. He would use his new gift to finally get what he and his beloved deserved. He would create a brand new identity for the world to know and fear him by; the master theif and super-villain...

The Time-Stealer!

... now to see if he could actually get the hang of being a super villain...