Lucy's World



Almost everything is composed of cardboard, including the entities, which are consistent with most other levels. Most commonly, there are facelings, hounds, and archers.
In the distant, no matter how far you get, you can always see the cardboard castle that belongs to the "King." No one's ever seen the king, but the one human-esque entity of the level, Lucy, always refers to him as such, saying that he 'doesn't like visitors'.

Lucy has a mouth with a missing front tooth, seen when she grins, and long hair that varies in color, but typically remains somewhere between a dirt brown and black. Her hair covers where her eyes should be, and she doesn't let anyone get close enough to find out if they're actually there. She wields a wooden sword and a slingshot, and claims to be the world's "hero."

Most first encounters with Lucy begin when she strikes a visitor with a pebble from her slingshot from any nearby bush. She appears to be aware of dangers, and is testing visitors to see if they're one of them.

She is seen fighting the cardboard facelings and hounds occasionally, when she is not aware of a visitor- though such instances are shortlived, as she somehow knows when she is being observed, and can somehow cover many lengths of ground to arrive at the observers location shortly after being seen.