
7 months, 6 days ago


Birdie is an entity that can be found on any Backrooms level with a view of the sky. It's unknown what her relationship is to other entities, but she always poses as, and seems to think of herself as, human. She's always sitting in a chair, staring skyward when found. She cannot be snuck up on, seemingly becoming aware of a wanderer's presence once they're within a certain range.

At this point she will either remove herself from her "daydream" and wait, go to the person directly, or in rare instances, leave immediately. It's unclear what causes her to leave, but it seemingly is connected to some trait of the wanderer that she can sense, and no one has been able to obtain clear answers on the subject.

In an instance where she chooses to interact with a wanderer, she'll offer to become a companion of sorts, following the wanderer between different levels and chatting with them. She has a stabilization effect on sanity in many rooms, which means her presence will keep the wanderer's sanity at the same level as when she met them- which includes negating the effect of Almond Water. She can also appear in any level with the wanderer, even if said level is designed to seperate and isolate them.

She seems to be aware of any entrances to Kitty's House and Puppy's Domain, to the point of pausing before certain doors, and then turning and leading the wanderer away. Her only explanation for this behavior is that 'If Kitty tries to catch me, he's gonna catch these hands' when asked about it.